Crosstalk America
Jim Schneider  |  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Jim Schneider
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The Death of Iran’s President
Series:  Crosstalk America  · 1644 of 1672
5/21/2024 (TUE)
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Michael Germi is a former Muslim, born in Iran into a Shia Muslim family. In this setting he learned to practice Islam praying 5 times a day toward Mecca. He fasted during Ramadan. He practiced self-mutilation for the cause of Allah. He migrated to Australia in 2006 and in 2009 found faith in Jesus Christ. He later moved to the U.S. where he now proclaims the Gospel to Islamic nations. He's written several Farsi Christian books and desires to plant churches around the world where Persians are scattered.

Michael began with some history of Iran as they moved from conditions under the Shah to rule by the Ayatollah. He describes how he grew up learning the Qur'an and Islam, not by choice, but by force and how he was taught he'd go to Hell if he didn't abide by/practice the Islamic traditions.

The focus eventually switches to the helicopter crash that took the life of 63 year old Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and other high ranking officials. Raisi was known as the "Butcher of Tehran" and the "Hangman of Tehran", having massacred thousands of Iranians. Funeral services will run over several days.

As the broadcast moves along you'll hear Michael as he comments on how this will affect the political situation in Iran due to the fact that Raisi was the potential successor to the current Supreme Leader. He also comments on the reaction of the people to the death of Raisi, whether an Iranian official might have caused the helicopter crash, what we know about the current vice-president, Michael's passion for reaching people in Iran with the Gospel message and much more.
SERIES 1644 OF 1672
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The Death of Iran’s President

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The Death of Iran’s President

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