In Colossians 1:23-29, the Apostle Paul speaks to New Testament saints about the preeminence of the Lord Jesus Christ in genuine ministry. Paul's own epistle is proof that his ministry is an authentic stewardship from God, because Jesus Christ is preeminent in every aspect of it.
Paul also tells the Colossians to beware of counterfeit ministries. There are lots of counterfeits today as well.
Beware, if you attend a church or support a ministry, and the preacher or leader is preeminent. Beware, if a program or philosophy is preeeminent. Beware, if the building is preeminient, ritual is preeminent, organization is preeminent, or social action is preeminent. Beware if anything or anyone other than the Lord Jesus Christ has first place. That's a clear sign of a counterfeit.
The hallmark of genuine Gospel ministry is one thing: It is rooted, grounded, and centered in the Lord Jesus Christ, and exalts Him above all else.
That's our focus this week as we continue our series, Christ Above All: Studies in Colossians. |