We're making additional study material on baptism available to our listeners in a short book titled Why Is Baptism Only for Believers? It goes into greater depth on the passages we're covering on the air, and it also deals with many other passages in the Word of God that speak about the doctrine of baptism.
Right now, for a limited time, we’re sending this book free and postage paid to everyone who requests it. (Limit one per household, please -- additional copies will be available at $3 each plus postage.)
Here’s how to receive your free copy of the book titled Why Is Baptism Only for Believers?
Call us anytime, toll-free, at 888-804-9655 (USA listeners only).
Go to our website, http://www.teachingtheword.org, click the Contact link on our home page, and let us know you would like to receive a free copy of the book titled Why Is Baptism Only for Believers?
Write to us at TeachingTheWord Ministries, Box 2533, Westminster, Maryland 21158 USA.