First Baptist Church Las Colinas
Robert Rohlin  |  Irving, Texas
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When husbands micro-manage their wives
Posted by: First Baptist Church Las Colinas | more..
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I've had a lot of bosses / managers in my secular career and with only a few exceptions, they have been great bosses who became my friends. I had one boss that just had no credibility -- you knew he was lying if his lips were moving in front of a customer. But I had a few bosses that were good people but drove me crazy because they micro-managed the assignments they gave to me.

There is a lot of preaching in conservative churches about how wives should submit to their husbands. There is far less preaching on Paul's instruction in Ephesians 5:21 about how we are to submit to one another. Scriptural truths taken out of balance lead to heresy. And there is a lot of out-of-balance teaching about a wife's submission to her husband.

At about 37:30 into the message "Power of a Fearful and Fearless Wife," we look at a verse in Proverbs that distinguishes between the "commandments of the father" which are picutred as a lamp and the "laws of the mother" which are pictured as a light. The lamp, of course, is the source of the light. Fathers / husbands are to set some principles that guide the family, but the mother has the responsibility to figure out how to best implement those principles wtih schedules, routines, and rules in the household. For example, the husband can set a principle that the house should be free of clutter and that each morning should begin with an uncluttered house. The wife should set a schedule, for example, that has the children cleaning up at 8:30 p.m. every night before they go to bed. And she might need a once monthly clearing of each room in the house to dispose of un-needed items to take and donate to charity in order to prevent the inevitable accumulation of clutter. (Do you really need 40 coffee cups for a family of 5?)

Problems occur when a husband tries to micro-manage the wife by telling her precisely where things should go, precisely how many of a particular item to have, or precisely when to do certain tasks. This kind of micromanagement assumes that the husband's ideas on how things are to work will automatically work with the wife's personality. But that usually isn't true. The wife has a different spiritual gift and a different way of thinking from the husband. When men micromanage their wives, these ladies feel that they are not valued or trusted.

It may be that sometimes a husband needs to offer some counsel and course correction. But it should be in the form of more general instruction. For example, he could say, "Honey, I notice that our kitchen cabinets aren't closing properly and the shelves are sagging. Could you take some time to declutter the cabinet where the cups and glasses are this week?" That is better than telling her that she can only have 7 coffee cups and 14 glasses and that they should be on the left side of the cabinet closest to the refrigerator. Guys, try to give general encouragement and counsel, rather than overly-detailed instructions which frustrate your wife.

And guys, remember to praise every form of progress in your wife and children. You get more of what you praise. And our wives respond much better to praise and encouragement than they do to criticism and micromanagement.

Make sure you listen to this message in whole -- or at least beginning at 37:30 for some extremely practical counsel that will help to alleviate conflicts in your family.

Category:  Family matters

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Why my kids are succeeding in spite of me
Posted by: First Baptist Church Las Colinas | more..
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First of all, let me apologize to my church and all my teachers throughout the years. After I preached this message about which I was so passionate, my wife told me just before I went to bed that I had made a mistake. In my haste, I referred to...
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Great minds think alike
MONDAY, JULY 24, 2017
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As I prepared this sermon, there was a nagging thought in the back of my mind that I had heard the title used before. And sure enough, our senior pastor (and my father-in-law) preached a similarly-titled sermon in 2013 from the same passage of...
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