The Inspiring Word What makes a church successful? There is a lot of chatter going around about church failures. Sadly, it is true. Churches are closing their doors at an alarming rate. Why? Simply put, no one is attending, giving or working in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Inspiring Word Pastor Terry Cheek Th.D. The Inspiring Word has been published in the Blue Ridge Christian news for around five years, and I want to thank the staff and readers for allowing me the privilege of being...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Wow, can you believe it’s June? 2018 is half gone. But, June brings us to a very special day, Father’s Day. This year I have been drawn, more so than in the past, to the wisdom of my parents. The older I get I seem to realize more the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Inspiring Word Pastor Terry Cheek Th.D. Thanks for returning to read another publication of “The Inspiring Word”. The month of May provides the Christian with many opportunities for...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Inspiring Word Pastor Terry Cheek Th.D. As you read this Resurrection Sunday has probably past and the memories linger in your heart of another Easter. You have probably spent time in Church, enjoyed the hymns,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Inspiring Word Pastor Terry Cheek Th.D. I am writing this month with a heavy heart. The school shooting in Florida is just 24 hours old. The MSM is running rampant with stories that haven’t been proven....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Inspiring Word Pastor Terry Cheek Th.D. February is a month famous for one thing, LOVE. I’m thinking Valentines Day! We set aside February 14th every year to recognize our love and affection for...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Inspiring Word Pastor Terry Cheek Th.D. By the time you open this issue of the Blue Ridge Christian News you will have said goodbye to 2017. We all have memories of the previous year, some good and some not so good. If...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Inspiring Word Pastor Terry Cheek Th.D. I find myself struggling to write this month. So much has happened. We have experienced mass shootings, sexual immorality, unheard of distractions and frustrations. How...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Inspiring Word Pastor Terry Cheek Th.D. Thanks for joining me for another publication of “The Inspiring Word”. Over the past couple of months our world has experienced tremendous grief...[ abbreviated | read entire ]