Crosstalk America
Jim Schneider  |  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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"Thank you Brother Schneider"
Blessed Lady from Florida
I never thought that the time would come when so many people would openly express their desires for the murder of babies....
Jim Schneider | Crosstalk America
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Sermon10/6/2020 6:27 PM
Bey from California  Find all comments by Bey
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Pause for Praise
Jim Schneider
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is great... we should always "Praise the Lord for his goodness and for answered prayers. We love you LORD!!!

Sermon8/7/2020 5:08 PM
JimmyG from Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by JimmyG
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The History of Socialism
Jim Schneider
“ Fascinating Guest ”
What a fascinating guest. Adds weight to the saying "those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it."

Sermon7/24/2020 4:51 PM
Feminine but NOT a feminist  Find all comments by Feminine but NOT a feminist
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Scary but true. Help us LORD—-please!!!

Sermon7/24/2020 2:23 PM
Feminine but NOT a feminist  Find all comments by Feminine but NOT a feminist
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for your usual excellent and very interesting fact-filled commentary

Sermon7/17/2020 8:33 AM
JD Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by JD Saved by Grace
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“ Great Sermon! ”
So utterly depressing. Sick to the stomach depression

Sermon7/17/2020 8:21 AM
JD Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by JD Saved by Grace
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“ Great Sermon! ”
So sad and heartbreaking. Thanks for being our modern day Watchman on the Wall. God's blessings to you and your well informed guests.

Sermon7/17/2020 4:18 AM
JD Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by JD Saved by Grace
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God Help Us!
Jim Schneider
“ Great Sermon! ”
Scary but true. Lord help us all. I repent

Sermon7/2/2020 11:05 PM
JD Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by JD Saved by Grace
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News Roundup & Comment
Jim Schneider
“ Great Sermon! ”
Brother Schneider never disappoints me. I love his ministry. Very GOOD, timely, trustworthy, and informative information is sometimes difficult to come across. Thank you, Brother Schneider. God's blessings to you and your ministry..

Sermon6/22/2020 12:18 AM
JD Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by JD Saved by Grace
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“ Eye-opener - Thank you Brother Schneider! ”
Scary commentary but thanks to my now deceased pastor and his faithfulness in teaching and preaching on Bible prophecy and end times events, I can follow most of what is going on in America and the rest of the world as relates to the warnings of the Bible that my pastor preached so many sermons from various books of the KJV of the Bible especially from such as Daniel, Revelation, and other apocalyptic books. Sermons on end times, the tribulation, the rapture, the millennium and other such futuristic events. Brother Schneider always does such a great job in his ministry. I am so thankful for his God-blessed, God-given gift of teaching. I could listen to his teachings. I do quite a lot of reading of what’s happening in this world and this new coronavirus pandemic and the Agenda 21 -2030 are very, very disturbing to me, to name just two of many very serious things that I try to keep up with. There are so many things happening right now—things that keeps me constantly in the watching and praying posture. I thank Jesus Christ that I am saved.

Sermon6/19/2020 9:39 PM
JD Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by JD Saved by Grace
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Father's Day Tribute 2020
Jim Schneider
“ Great Sermon! ”
To our blessed Watchman On The Wall, Brother Schneider, thank you for your blessed daily eye-opening broadcasts. Thank you thank you thank you.

Sermon6/18/2020 11:04 PM
JD Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by JD Saved by Grace
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Mandatory Vaccinations Coming?
Jim Schneider
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you so very much, Brother Schneider for the exposing of yet another of the evils of our government. I am so blessed the night I first discovered you and your Crosstalk ministry. I really appreciate all the information you so faithfully research and then so diligently share with those of us who'll listen. This is a very powerful God-blessed ministry. I praise the Lord for you and your faithfulness and tenacity. Thank You Jesus! God's very greatest blessings to you.

Sermon6/18/2020 10:53 PM
JD Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by JD Saved by Grace
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Mandatory Vaccinations Coming?
Jim Schneider
“ Scary ”
Makes people like Hitler and his Nazi's seem angelic. I never thought anything like this would be happening in America. Sad, too. Scary and sad.

Sermon5/13/2020 7:59 PM
JT from Minneapolis  Contact via emailFind all comments by JT
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COVID-19 Tyranny
Jim Schneider
“ Troubling but Very Informative ”
This was very good yet troubling. I know that there are differing eschatological views. I'm not here to debate that. No matter what one's stance is, we have a responsibility to push back and fight this at every angle. Please also look up Twila Brase of CCHF: Citizens Council for Health Freedom. Much of what is covered here in this is simultaneously happening in the medical industry. Let's use this to turn the evil that is being planned into good. I've been praying the imprecatory prayers and am encouraged to see answers. May God be lifted up and glorified. In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up for me.” May God be gracious and shower His mercy upon us. Let freedom ring!

Sermon5/1/2020 11:46 PM
JD Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by JD Saved by Grace
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News Round-Up and Comment
Jim Schneider
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for your usual very blessed commentary. You keep us all well informed through and by your broadcast of such timely and very trustworthy reports of what is going on in the world. I sure do appreciate you and your ongoing diligence in bringing these messages to us.

Sermon4/29/2020 10:04 PM
JD Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by JD Saved by Grace
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“ Great Sermon! Watchman on the Wall. ”
This is scary. Brother Schneider I want to thank you once again for another fact filled broadcast. I have been following Agenda 21 / 2030 for quite sometime, especially information from reliable sources such as you daily share from your Crosstalk broadcast. I call you my modern day Watchman on the Wall. I always learn so much, plus so many, many of my suspicions about what is really going on in America and the world, have been confirmed. Very scary goings on are being exposed. Thank you, Brother Schneider. God's great blessings to you as well.

Sermon4/27/2020 4:29 AM
JD Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by JD Saved by Grace
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Something else! Knee replacement surgery (one example) is considered a non-essential surgery even when the patients' bones have begun to grind against each other while, "across the street" women are having abortion procedures all day long every day.

Sermon4/27/2020 4:18 AM
JD Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by JD Saved by Grace
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“ Great Sermon! Watchman on the wall! ”
No, Brother Schneider--tyranny is not knocking at the door. Tyranny is kicking at the door! It won't be long before the door's hinges gives way. Will we be hauled away to concentration camps? It is very possible. Among other frightening thoughts and probabilities, the government's diabolical Agenda 2030/2050 also comes to mind. God bless you and your Crosstalk program. I listen almost every day. Plus I visit some of your past recordings in-between so that I can hear what I missed before I had become aware of your very valuable, enlightening broadcasts. I thank GOD for you, you very faithful man of God. Your broadcasts are filled with wisdom. Thank you for gathering so much vital truths while continually sounding the alarm. You are our modern day "Watchman On The Wall." Again, thank you for your diligence in daily bringing us these very timely messages and information because there is no way that most, if not all, of us could uncover the vast amount of information that you provide.

Sermon4/21/2020 12:39 PM
Diane from SouthernUSA  Find all comments by Diane
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“ Great Sermon! ”
We have the right to assemble for church, protests, whatever. The government has no authority over that right. I say all churches should have stayed open and whoever wants to come fine and if you want to stay home fine.

Sermon4/9/2020 10:01 PM
JD Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by JD Saved by Grace
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“ Great Message ”
Thank you for this timely message. Abortionists are always going to get the Red Carpet service.

Sermon1/5/2020 11:55 AM
JD - Saved by Grace from Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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Christian Persecution Report
Jim Schneider
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for your diligence and faithfulness in sharing so much valuable truths with us. I truly appreciate you, Brother Schneider. It is good to have truthful, trustworthy news such as how you are so faithful in posting here, making it so easy for us to have such easy access. You are very greatly appreciated. God's great blessings to you and your ministry.

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