Crosstalk America
Jim Schneider  |  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Jim Schneider
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The "Trans" formation of our Nation
Series:  Crosstalk America  · 1146 of 1672
4/6/2022 (WED)
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Many listeners may be aware that on March 31, from the White House all the way down to schools and media, there was a large emphasis placed on the Transgender Day of Visibility.

Before getting into various news stories noting the seriousness of this issue, Jim communicated that no matter what you do, you cannot change the biological makeup given to you by God. In addition to the science, even more importantly is what God's Word says. He noted scriptures such as Genesis 1:27, 5:2, 6:19, 7:16 and Matthew 19:4-6.

Here's a brief sample of the stories Jim addressed:

Last week President Biden issued a proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility 2022. In that proclamation, Biden said that, "We celebrate the activism and determination that have fueled the fight for transgender equality." The president made a statement as well and Jim provided the audio.

On March 31, the White House issued a 12-page "fact sheet"--The Biden- Harris Administration Advances Equality and Visibility for Transgender Americans. Jim provided detailed excerpts.

The Department of Health and Human Services endorsed surgical and chemical transformation of the bodies of gender confused minors one day after President Biden affirmed the resilience, strength and joy of transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming people.

Last week, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services flew the transgender flag outside its headquarters in Washington, DC, marking the first time the radical banner has flown in front of a federal building.

The Biden administration endorsed transgender youth sex-change operations.

Jim had much more to share and listeners brought their views to the discussion as well.
SERIES 1146 OF 1672
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