Crosstalk America
Jim Schneider  |  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Jim Schneider
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Libraries Grooming Children?
Series:  Crosstalk America  · 1303 of 1672
12/14/2022 (WED)
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In the Congressional Record from July 27th, 1987, congressman William Dannemeyer shared an essay by gay revolutionary Michael Swift. The essay, which in the past may have been written off by some as a gay utopian dream, was said to be satire. However, there's one very serious problem with that description. Many aspects of it have come true.

Helping that take place has been the massive assault on morality and decency across America. We've seen a push by the LGBTQ+ movement/agenda. Children are often targeted and groomed through drag queen story hours, classroom instruction, and even public libraries.

Joining Jim to expose this evil work of darkness was Brian Camenker. Brian is the director of MassResistance, a leading pro-family activist organization which provides information and guidance that individuals need to confront assaults on the traditional family, school children, and the moral foundation of society. They are based in Massachusetts.

This broadcast begin with discussion concerning the American Library Association. Brian described them as a group that's become a lobbying group for the LGBT agenda. You merely need to go to their website where they talk about all of their efforts to push this agenda in libraries. In addition, they talk about protecting librarians from parents who object. In other words, while they have LGBTQ books and programs that they push into the libraries, they also have strategies for subverting parents and public officials who disagree.

The ALA's new president calls herself an avowed, lesbian/Marxist and Brian commented that this should tell you all you need to know about the American Library Association.
SERIES 1303 OF 1672
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Libraries Grooming Children?

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Libraries Grooming Children?

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