Crosstalk America
Jim Schneider  |  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Jim Schneider
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The Myth of Settled Science
Series:  Crosstalk America  · 1301 of 1672
12/12/2022 (MON)
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How many times have you heard the phrase: settled science. It's been used in regard to man-caused climate change, the use of COVID masks, social distancing, and more. We're told that the debate is over and we must act now because if we don't, there will be grave consequences. If you resist or even dare to ask probing questions, you're labeled a science denier.

How should a Christian respond when confronted like this? Joining Jim for discussion on this issue was Jay Seegert. Jay is the keynote speaker and managing director of The Starting Point Project. He is the author of Creation to Christ, Creation & Evolution, and Faith is Not a Four-Letter Word.

First of all, what is science? Jay explained that in the Bible, science means knowledge, but it doesn't mean wisdom. He went on to note that most major areas of science were birthed out of the Christian community. For example: antiseptic surgery, calculus, chemistry, computer science, electrodynamics, fluid mechanics, galactic astronomy, gas dynamics, genetics, hydraulics, hydrostatics, oceanography, optical mineralogy, paleontology, physical astronomy, thermodynamics, thermokinetics, the scientific method, and many more were founded by Bible-believing Christians.

The founders of these fields of study took it for granted that God created everything and since God is a God of order they expected to see order in His creation. So a simplistic definition of science would be the search for explanations in the natural world around us to see how it functions. In other words, what did God do to get these things to work.
SERIES 1301 OF 1672
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Jim Schneider
The Myth of Settled Science

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Jim Schneider
The Myth of Settled Science

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