J6 Political Prisoners
Crosstalk America
Jim Schneider  |  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Jim Schneider
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J6 Political Prisoners
Series:  Crosstalk America  · 1047 of 1672
11/4/2021 (THU)
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January 6, 2021, a Save America Rally was held in Washington, D.C. In President Trump's speech to the masses assembled from around the nation he said, "We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Reports have since come out and speculation mounted that U.S. authorities either knew what was going to transpire in advance and allowed it to happen, or undercover state infiltrators played some role in orchestrating the upheaval. One account on WND.com indicated a U.S. Army veteran who faces 15 years in prison for his alleged role in the January riot, says an FBI informant he knew from his military service urged him to join the mob that broke into the U.S. Capitol. In the aftermath, stories are emerging of the January 6 political prisoners facing unethical and harsh prison conditions at the hands of the Warden of the D.C. Prison.

Matt Braynard is the executive Director of Look Ahead America. He founded and led the Voter Integrity Project to discover illegal ballots and other election anomalies. He's the former Director of Data and Strategy for the Trump campaign. He's president of Braynard Group, a political and digital strategy firm and he was a senior redistricting and election administration analyst at Election Data Services.
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J6 Political Prisoners

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J6 Political Prisoners

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