First Baptist Church Las Colinas
Robert Rohlin  |  Irving, Texas
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First Baptist Church Las Colinas
1930 Gateway Drive
Irving, TX 75038-2405
First Baptist Church Las Colinas
96 Misty Mesa Trl
Mansfield TX 76063-4854
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Robert Rohlin
256 sermons
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06. Be Reconciled, Pt. 2
Series:  Commands of Christ  · 29 of 30
11/23/2014 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Matthew 5:21-24
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This is the 2nd part of a 2-part message. Why take 2 messages on being reconciled? Churches are destroyed by unresolved conflict among the members. Families are destroyed when fathers lose the heart of their children -- often in response to an angry and critical spirit. Marriages are destroyed when husbands become embittered against their wives. To avoid these tragedies, we must learn how to reconcile with one another. Reconciliation is so important to God that He says that it should come before worship. You cannot worship if you fail to reconcile with those you have offended and forgive those who have offended you. Robert Rohlin is the executive pastor of First Baptist Church Las Colinas, a family integrated Baptist church in the Baptist Missionary Association.
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Robert Rohlin
06. Be Reconciled, Pt. 2

Commands of Christ
Sunday School
FBC of Las Colinas
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Robert Rohlin
06. Be Reconciled, Pt. 2

Commands of Christ
FBC of Las Colinas
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