Sermons by Bob Vincent and Others
Bob Vincent  |  Texarkana, Texas
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Pastor Robert Benn Vincent
Trinity Presbyterian Church
2623 N Robison Road
Texarkana, TX 75501
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Bob Vincent
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Parables of the Kingdom, Part 6
Series:  Last Things  · 12 of 98
11/15/2020 (SUN)
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In the parable of the dragnet, the Lord Jesus teaches us to cast a very big, broad net to bring in as many people as possible (Matthew 13:47).

Evangelism is the calling of every Christian, and as we meet people we should judge each of them as "elect" in a judgment of charity, even though many of those brought into the kingdom will finally be exposed as reprobates. They will be plucked out of God's kingdom just as the rotten fish are thrown away once on the shore (Matthew 13:48-50).

As we meet people, we must deal with them as the Lord Jesus did with Zacchaeus, a "reprobate" if ever there were one. Zacchaeus was a crook and a traitor to his own people, serving the terrorist Roman empire (Luke 19:2). Yet Zacchaeus is singled out by our Lord and shown special favor (Luke 19:5). As with the prostitutes, Zacchaeus and other tax collectors entered into the kingdom (Matthew 21:31).

God's amazing grace melted Zacchaeus' hard heart (Luke 19:6, 8-10). But the self-righteous, religious people were outraged (Luke 19:7).

Jesus' Word is a two-edged sword: It draws the elect and repulses the reprobate (2 Corinthians 2:15-16). His "hard sayings" are offensive to the natural man, either breaking him in humility or purging him out of God's kingdom (John 6:44, 53-56, 60-66).

Why has God not heard the cries of his people to heal our land? (2 Chronicles 7:14) It is God who has authorized the angel of death to send COVID-19 and the dreadful economic troubles we are witnessing world-wide (1 Chronicles 21:1, 12, 14-16, 27; 2 Chronicles 7:13).

What is missing is a broken, humbled church, instead of a repulsive arrogant church, demanding its rights.
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Bob Vincent
Parables of the Kingdom, 6

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Bob Vincent
Parables of the Kingdom, 6

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  Bob Vincent
After serving Grace Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, Louisiana, Bob was honorably retired on Sunday, September 27, 2015, and given the title "Pastor Emeritus." This was forty years to the day after he became their pastor. He now works for the Presbytery of the Gulf South as...

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