Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

January 31st, 2016

9:30 am Bible Study-------------------- Mercy Rejoiceth Against Judgment– James2:8-13

10:00 am Service ------------------ The Great High Priest Who is Touched – Hebrews 4:15

Nursery Today: Second Service: Janine K. Alt. – Irene D.

Cleaning Schedule: This Week: Paul & Mindy , Next Week: Steven & Mary

­­­­­­­­­­­Birthdays: January: 31st -- Robin Pendry, February: 1st -- Jill Ogle & Kelly Pendry

Sowing Discord – Proverbs 6:19

The Lord said He hateth that person that soweth discord among brethren. Sowing discord is when everyone is in unity of spirit, love, worship and fellowship, and yet someone sows the seeds of discontent, discord, disunity, division and quenches that spirit of worship, love and unity. The Lord hates it. Discord is subtly sown with the mustard seeds of little innuendos, little criticisms, little suggestions, opinions, and little remarks of discontent against people and things (most often the message, methods and manners of the preacher). It is Satan’s subtlety and he can and will use anyone. Beware of it in others and in ourselves. Don’t allow it, tolerate it, nor hear it. Rebuke it in others and in yourselves. Rather sow seeds of love, joy, peace, goodness, unity, fellowship and encouragement. The Lord hates discord and those who sow it.

F “A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”– Proverbs 17:19

The Lord Jesus Christ is the “friend of sinners”, Who loved His own before the world began, loved them while they were yet sinners, and loves them to the end. Christ is the Son of God and the firstborn among many brethren. He is the Elder Brother Who was born for adversity; born to bear the sin of God’s people. He is that Friend that sticketh closer than a brother. He will never forsake His friends and brothers. May we be the same friend and brother to our brethren, loving them in the depth of their sins, and actively, fervently¸ loving them when they need it most, when they are experiencing great adversity and trouble.

Envy, Strife, Confusion and Evil - “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.” – James 3:16

The apostle warns us of the evil that comes from envy and strife. Envy means resentment, jealousy, and covetousness. It is resenting, being jealous of, and coveting the good, the successes, talents and prosperity of others. Envy is a wicked thing that lurks within us all. It is especially evil in a believer. To envy what the Lord has given our brethren, or done to and through our brethren is evil. Paul found it even among preachers; Some preach Christ of envy and strife. Some envied Paul’s authority and his following; and though preaching Christ, they were envious of Paul and striving for the same success. Further on he said: For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ’s” (2:21). They seek their own success, fame, name, works, sermons and writings . . . not the things that are Christ’s; His glory, His honor, His people, His Kingdom, His Name. Can this evil attitude be found even among true believers? Yes, it was so, even with the apostles; who argued who was greatest and who should sit at the Lord’s right hand. It was so in the church at Corinth, when the people began to choose up sides, preferring one preacher over another. And every honest believer (there is no other kind) feels this terrible thing called envy in his or her own heart. What an evil thing it is. The apostle said it brings strife and confusion.’ It makes brothers and sisters strive with one another to have the preeminence, which belongs to Christ alone. It creates confusion among the brethren, especially young believers, when they see strife among those who are supposed to be serving the glory of God, supposed to be brethren, loving one another. And where there is envy, strife and confusion, there is every evil work”; there will be all manner of anger, wrath, malice, backbiting, gossip, bitterness, and every evil thought, word, and work. . . . “My brethren, these things ought not so to be” (3:10).

Pray that the Lord will mortify all envy in us, and make us to grow in the grace of preferring others . . . thinking on things of others . . . esteeming others better than ourselves. Pray that the Lord will mortify this envy in us so that we do not want any glory, recognition or praise for ourselves, but only the glory of the Lord, the furtherance of His kingdom, and the good of His people. May the Lord give us hearts that rejoice in the goods, successes, talents and prosperity of others; especially our brethren and our sister churches. Pray that the Lord will cause them to prosper and increase greatly; pray that, even when “it be not so with my house, and . . . though the Lord make it not to grow; that He will bless others and cause them to grow. It matters not who the Lord uses, nor how much, only that His cause is served. And if the Lord uses us in the smallest way . . . Hallelujah! For what undeserving and unprofitable servants we are.

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