Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Bulletin 11-15-2015
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

November 15th , 2015

Today’s Services:

9:30 am Bible Study--------------------- Be Not Conformed To The World – Romans 12:1-2

10:00 am Worship -------- Love As Christ Loved The Church – Ephesians 5:25, 1 Cor. 13

Nursery Today: Second Service: Polly , Alt. - Robin

Cleaning Schedule: This Week: Sam & Hannah , Next Week: Torrences

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Birthdays: November: 15th – Debra Huff (60th!!), December: 1st – John Sheesley, 9th – Andrew Polk

THEN and NOW - From a newspaper article by brother Terry Worthan, pastor in Winston, Georgia

Religion in modern times has become a competitive business; churches and denominations vying for numbers. It is very costly business; attractive buildings with enormous expense are involved in the competition for membership. When Christianity began two millenniums ago the believers crowded into an upper room with no air-conditioning, very poor ventilation, no robed choir or orchestra and special singers. Everything was very simple in those days and believers were content with the simplicity of it. When the Church grew to the capacity of over three thousand it didn’t compete with the Jews and their luxurious temple; it didn’t counter with an edifice twice the size with twice the cost. No, that early Church divided up into homes and there they worshipped God.

The Church in those early days did not have “Family Life Centers”; its life was centered in Christ. It did not need athletic fields; its activity was caught up in serving Christ, worshipping Him and spreading the good word concerning Him. Christ was the substance, subject, and satisfaction of that Church. That Church did not need anything, did not desire anything, and did not have time for anything but Christ. Its fellowship was not cake and coffee, but Christ and those things concerning Him. John wrote to the Church in his first epistle, “That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ” (v.3).The things which he had seen were Christ and the wonderful works He performed; the things that he had heard were the things that Christ taught.

I wonder how many in religion today would have no religion at all if their tangible things were taken from them. If you had no immaculate building, no entertainment center, no choir, no weekly activities, no social gatherings, no position of leadership in the church would you have anything? If you have not Christ you would have nothing because all these things are empty without Him.

Religion is tiring and boring; but Christ is fresh and refreshing every day. Those who keep the religious machine oiled know they must keep their religious pawns active and entertained; they know that they must change the stage frequently and add a new clown to their circus occasionally if they are to prevent boredom.

Christ to the believer is all. He’s everything. He’s everything now and everything hereafter. If you have Christ you are as happy and content alone as you are when the crowd gathers. If you have Christ you would be as happy in a prison cell as you would be in a packed cathedral, probably more so. Oh my friend, do you have Jesus Christ, the living Lord dwelling in you? If not you will not find Him in the entertainment and popular programs of religion; He was cast out of the religious establishment two thousand years ago. He was taken outside the camp and crucified and that was where I found Him.


We need to think as badly of sin as we can; think of the exceeding sinfulness of sin, the evil of it, the wickedness of it, the horrible, long-lasting consequences of it . . . but never think of sin as being unpardonable. The Lord said, “All manner of sin shall be forgiven.” We should despair of ever finding any help or hope in ourselves, but never despair of finding help, hope, mercy and forgiveness in our Lord. The Lord delights to show mercy; is ready to pardon; and is an ever present help to all who need Him.

The Apostolic Benediction (2 Cor.13:11-14)

“Brethren, be mature believers, not babes which are always in need of correction and rebuke. Be of good comfort in your trials and afflictions, knowing they are for God’s glory and your good (Rom.8:28). Be united in mind and heart, in purpose and affection. Live together in peace among yourselves and as much as possible with all men, and the God of love and peace will bless and be with you. Greet one another with mutual love and genuine friendship. Don’t avoid others and hold grudges, but show your love openly. The saints in other places greet you. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all” – paraphrased by Henry Mahan

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