Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

August 30 th , 2015

Today’s Services:

9:30 am ________________ The Substitute (Barabbas Released) – Matthew 27:15-26

10:00 am ____________________________________ Christ Crucified – Matthew 27

Birthdays: August: 31st -- Roberta Sword & Betty Hodges

September: 7th – Mindy Mahan, 8th – Mac Torrence

Cleaning Schedule: This week - John & Earlene

Sin Subdued One Way – By J.C. Philpot

The life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God.” – Galatians 2: 20

There is no way except by being spiritually baptized into Christ’s death and life, that we can ever get a victory over our besetting sins. If, on the one hand, we have a view of a suffering Christ, and thus become baptized into his sufferings and death, the feeling, while it lasts, will subdue the power of sin. Or, on the other hand, if we get a believing view of a risen Christ, and receive supplies of grace out of his fullness, that will lift us above its dominion. If sin be powerfully working in us, we want one of these two things to subdue it; either we must have something come down to us to give us a victory over our sin in our strugglings against it, or we must have something to lift us up out of sin into a purer and better element. When there is a view of the sufferings and sorrows, agonies and death of the Son of God, power comes down to the soul in its struggles against sin, and gives it a measure of holy resistance and subduing strength against it. So, when there is a coming in of the grace and love of Christ, it lifts up the soul from the love and power of sin into a purer and holier atmosphere. Sin cannot be subdued in any other way. You must either be baptized into Christ’s sufferings and death, or you must be baptized (and these follow each other) into Christ’s resurrection and life. A sight of him as a suffering God or a view of him as a risen Jesus, must be connected with every successful attempt to get the victory over sin, death, hell, and the grave. You may strive, vow, and repent; and what does it all amount to? You sink deeper and deeper into sin than before. Pride, lust, and covetousness come in like a flood, and you are swamped and carried away almost before you are aware. But if you get a view of a suffering Christ, or of a risen Christ; if you get a taste of his dying love, a drop of his atoning blood, or any manifestation of his beauty and blessedness, there comes from this spiritual baptism into his death or his life a subduing power; and this gives a victory over temptation and sin which nothing else can or will give. Yet I believe we are often many years learning this divine secret, striving to repent and reform, and cannot; till at last by divine teaching we come to learn a little of what the Apostle meant when he said, “The life I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God.” And when we can get into this life of faith, this hidden life, then our affections are set on things above. There is no use setting people to work by legal strivings; they only plunge themselves deeper in the ditch. You must get Christ into your soul by the power of God; and then he will subdue, by his smiles, blood, love, and presence, every internal foe.

Forbear & Forgive

As long as we are in this flesh, we will have misunderstandings among us, unpleasantness, and even injustices (we will feel that our rights have been violated and others have been wrong in what they have said and done). What is to be our attitude? It is to be twofold: forbearing one another and forgiving one another. To forbear is to control our emotions, surrendering our rights for the time being in patient hope that God will reveal His purpose and will. To forgive is actually to put the misunderstanding out of mind and restore a state of love and fellowship. Our Lord forbears, that is, He is longsuffering and patient with us, and He forgives, remembering our sins no more. – H.T.M.

Fellowship of Believers

I know most of you are faithful to the Sunday worship services, and I know you tarry after services to visit and talk with one another. But what about the other six days of the week? Do you have much fellowship with those whose conversation is seasoned with grace and who are a good influence on you and your children? The people of the world (religious world and social world) ARE NOT an influence for good or spiritual growth. "Evil companions and associations corrupt good character" (1 Corinthians 15:33). But our brethren comfort us, encourage us, instruct us, and regular fellowship with them and their families will be a great blessing to you and your children. Do not spend your social and family time with those who do not know God (86% of the week) and expect to correct the effect with a couple of hours on Sunday. As much time as you can devote to good fellowship in Christ with other believers will reap great blessings to you and your family. – Henry Mahan

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