The Inspiring Word at Blue Ridge Church
Dr. Terry Cheek  |  Marion, North Carolina
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The Inspiring Word for March 2015
TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2015
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The Inspiring Word

Pastor Terry Cheek Th.D.

As we welcome March our hearts should be turned toward the celebration of our Lords resurrection, the event we refer to as Easter. The word of God is rich with the account of Jesus death, burial and resurrection. Every born again Christian knows without the resurrection there is no redemption. Every born again Christian knows without redemption there is no eternal life. Every born again Christian also knows along with the resurrection of Jesus and the redemption Jesus brings and the eternal life Jesus secures by grace through faith; comes a testimony. So for Easter 2015 I want to remind you of two travelers on the road to Emmaus, two travelers who met Jesus and as a result their life was changed forever. So join me as we revisit Mark 16:12-13 and Luke 24:13-32.

Sometime during the afternoon of Jesus resurrection two were traveling to Emmaus. According to Luke Emmaus was about 7 miles from Jerusalem, several hours walking. Also from verses 22-24 we understand they started for Emmaus after Peter and John returned from the empty tomb and told what they had discovered. The conversation these two had concerned the events that had transpired over the Passover. I believe they were seeking to understand the events that had taken place over the previous week. Then Jesus approached and began walking with them.

That was the first century, in the twenty first century we find ourselves with Jesus just as these two found themselves. How often have you found yourself thinking about Jesus? His unspeakable love, His unmistakable sacrifice, His unthinkable gift. There are certain facts every born again Christian must believe. These facts are given through the testimony of these two men. First we believe Jesus is the only begotten son of God. As told from the Old Testament He was born of a virgin conceived through the Holy Spirit. Second, we believe Jesus was authenticated by His words and His works. We accept the word of God as inerrant and infallible. John 1:1 tells us “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Jesus was indeed who He claimed to be, His works testified of it and His Church believes it. Third, we believe Jesus was crucified by not only the priests of Israel and the Government of Rome, we know the entire world was represented through the chants “crucify Him.” Fourth, we believe Jesus was truly the Messiah, sent to redeem mankind. Jesus was to bring redemption from sin and deliverance from bondage in fulfillment of the covenants God made with Abraham.

As these men walked along with Christ, He opened to them the Scriptures, from Moses through the prophets, Jesus showed them what the scriptures had to say about Himself. As they approached Emmaus, Jesus tested their faith in through His word by waiting for an invitation. The urgency of this invitation is found in verse 29 and it revealed that the two had accepted Christ’s explanation of Scripture as His explanation of the relationship between the cross and the throne. Christ accepted their invitation and stayed with them as they had requested Him to do. Jesus sat with them, took bread and because it was the Passover season one of the two travelers assumed the role of host, he blessed it, broke it and passed it out. Then something amazing happened to the two whom Jesus traveled with. They recognized Jesus, the one they had walked and talked with, the one who had explained Scripture and provided them understanding, He is the resurrected Christ!

My fellow Christian do you remember this story playing out in your life? Take time and reflect on your introduction to Jesus, His introduction to you. Take time and reflect on how Jesus through the Holy Spirit walked with you, talked with you and instructed you, just as He did these two travelers. Take time and reflect on the feeling you experienced as Jesus was revealed in truth as the resurrected Christ and redeemer of your soul. If we will take time to read the account of these two travelers and allow their account speak to our hearts we too will be able to truthful speak the words of John 7:46 “No one ever spoke the way this man does.” Until next time may God bless you is my prayer.

Category:  The Inspiring Word

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