Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Bulletin, 8-31-14
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

August 31st, 2014

Today’s Services:

9:30 am ­..........................................................................................When A Brother Offends -- Matthew 18:15-22

10:00 am ..........................................................................................Blessing For The Undeserving -- Genesis 27

Birthdays: AUGUST: 31st -- Roberta Sword & Betty Hodges,

SEPTEMBER: 7th -- Mindy Mahan (55), Mac Torrence (55)

Church Cleaning: This Week: Debra, Polly, Jennifer Next Week: Bobbitts

Nursery Today: 1st Service - Mary P. , 2nd Service - Robin (Tammie - alternate) Wednesday:

A Good Day To Call And Say Goodbye

I told you of the time when my granddaughters, Isabella and Sophia, had been visiting with us, and I took them over to dad and mom's to say goodbye. I told the girls, "Be sure and tell them goodbye and you love them. You may never see them again." There was silence. Isabella, the oldest, spoke up and said: "Why did you say that?" "Because", I said, "They are very old and the Lord is going to take them home one day soon." Longer silence. Then Sophie spoke up: "What day do people die on?" Being only four years old, she is very limited in her understanding of time. She can only grasp yesterday, today and tomorrow (she's thinking it could be today or tomorrow). I said, "I don't know Sophie. We die when the Lord says so." Then there was more silence (but I could hear their minds working). Sophie then said: "Who are we going to say goodbye to next?"

"Out of the mouth of babes . .." That innocent statement made me think: "Who ARE we going to say goodbye to next?" It could be me. It could be you. One of these days will be our last. Maybe today. Truly . . . "Today is the day of salvation." While we have the breath, "whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved!" While the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation, is being preached . . . there is salvation for everyone that asks for it. While it is called today, while you have breath, life, there is hope for the chief of sinners, pardon for the worst, forgiveness for everyone who asks . "Why will ye die?" Whoever calls, repents, believes on the Lord Jesus Christ . .. shall never die! You have His Word on it.

While it is called today, it is also a good day to mend fences, pardon offenses, right wrongs, restore friendships, pay a visit, repay debts, and especially . . . a good day to go see someone and tell them goodbye and you love them. You may never see them again.


Hurt And Offended

When I was a younger believer so many things hurt my feelings and sometimes offended me. I would get in such a depressed condition in my mind that I would lose my joy and peace. My poor heart would get so disturbed that I could not worship or fellowship with God’s people because I was thinking about the negative thing someone said about me or something I had heard or read and strongly disagreed with etc. When you are in such a state of mind, you not only suffer yourself but those dear to you suffer with you. They can detect that something is wrong with you. And here is the thing. Somebody has said something that has so disturbed you that it has created a problem in your heart. It becomes a problem within you – ‘something is wrong with you.’ I thought I was justified in letting myself get all up in the air about it – after all, it was their fault. They were the ones who said it or wrote it or did it, not me. A couple of things that help me.

One: “Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them” (Ps. 119:165). Great peace have they that love God and the Son of God and the gospel of God and the ways of God etc. I find nothing here to upset me but everything here to love and rejoice in. A law that is perfect and perfectly fulfilled and honored by my Savior. A gospel that is full of grace to save me right where it finds me and keep me saved. Here my mind is restful and calm. Let others believe and say and do what they will, I have peace.

Two: Poor Peter was concerned about what John would do and what the Lord’s plans for him were (John 21:21-23). It seems to me as if Peter was being nosy. ‘Lord, what shall this man do’, Peter said. ‘What is that any of your business,’ the Lord said. ‘Here is what you should be concerned with, ‘following me yourself’.

I am not saying we shouldn’t be concerned about our brethren. But if I am going to hover over them and mind their business then it is apt to burden my heart. I find great relief of mind when my Lord says to me, ‘Bruce, mind your own business and follow me’. After all, the Lord can take care of all his Johns.

-- Bruce Crabtree

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