Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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Central Bulletin, 5-18-14
MONDAY, MAY 26, 2014
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

May 18th, 2014

Today’s Services:

10:00 am...................................................................................................................The Signs of The Times -- Matthew 16:3

10:30 am .........................................................................................................The Only Sign From Heaven -- Matthew 16:1-4

Birthdays: May: 18th -- Olivia Holland, 23rd -- Ed Berry, 29th -- Jeannette Berry

To Our Congregation: The Lord willing Mindy and I will be traveling this weekend to Winston, Georgia, where I will be preaching Friday through Sunday for the Calvary Baptist Church where brother Terry Worthan is pastor.In my absence you will be pleased to know that brother John Chapman will be back to preach to you. Please pray for this meeting.

We will be cleaning our building on a volunteer basis. Please sign up to help us clean OUR building.


"Grace be unto you and peace from God the Father,

and from our Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself for our sins . . ." -- Galatians 1:3-4

As the years roll along, I yearn more and more for that assurance that My sins are put out of God's sight. How is it that the holy Lord is pleased with me? One word comes to view: HIMSELF. If I think on the grand doctrine of election, there is no comfort unless that word Himself appears. I must be careful not to be taken up with the doctrines of the gospel and leave Himself out. Doctrine is cold unless the person of our Lord Jesus Christ is uppermost therein.

He is all of salvation. He did not come merely to bring salvation, but He Himself is salvation. He loved me and gave Himself for me. He Himself is the good news. Eternal redemption is found in His life, death, and resurrection, and He is the gospel. Who His own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree. The only reason I am pleasing unto God is because of Himself.

Men say that we are cleansed by His blood and that is true, but it is only because that blood was a part of Himself. If we are chosen, we are chosen in Himself. There is no justification unless it is the righteousness of God in himself. Everything is bound up in the life and death of God's dear son himself.

Not only is this true, but salvation must be in Himself alone. He by Himself purged our sins. Every man to be saved must rest his whole soul upon Christ Himself. Do not ever think a good thought about yourself. Oh that every mouth might be stopped in talking about self. When we are brought to the place of ceasing to talk about ourselves, then, and only then, will we ever see the truth that once in the end of the world He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.

If you have been brought to the place of a sinner who has nothing, knows nothing, can do nothing, then none but the Lord Jesus Himself will give you peace and rest. You see, it is either yourself or Himself. You would not really stand before the holy Lord God in yourself, would you? This would be the height of insane depravity. By the grace of God I have been enabled to say that it is Himself in totality. -- Jack Shanks

“Let your love be sincere” - Romans 12:9-10

Believers will love all people. There is no room in a regenerate heart for hate, grudges, and bigotry. There is a special love for those who are called brethren (Gal.6:10). In making others happy, we find happiness; in giving, we receive; in promoting another’s welfare and honor we are honored! A man’s character is not always revealed in what others say about Him, but in what he privately says about others. -- Henry Mahan


Sacrifice means to 'suffer loss' . . . 'give up something.' The Lord Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself to God for His people. He 'suffered many things' because of us. He suffered the wrath and judgment of God against our sins. He gave His life for His sheep. He 'gave up' His glory, honour and happiness in Heaven to become a man of sorrows and be a servant to God and men. He gave every waking hour of His 33 years on earth for us; and He did it willingly and happily, knowing it was for God's glory and our good. Now . . . scripture says to those whom Christ did this for: "Present your bodies a living sacrifice" (Rom.12:1). Let each of us ask ourselves . . . "In light of what Christ has done for me, what have I done for Him? His People? What have I suffered the loss of? What have I given up? How much of myself, my time, my material goods (which He gave us) have I given to the cause of Christ, support of the gospel and the care of His church? Have I made any sacrifice at all? Have I suffered the loss of anything or given up anything or anyone for Christ, Who gave Himself for me?"

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