Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Bulletin, 4-13-14
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

April 13th, 2014

Today’s Services:

9:30 am Bible Study.........................................

10:00 am Service .........................................................................................................................Messages by Cody Groover

Birthdays: April: 14th -- Wesley Hudson, 17th -- Betty Groover & Emma Holland

21st -- Jennifer Holland, 25th -- Blaire Patterson, 30th -- Red Huff

To Our Congregation: We are delighted to have Cody and Winna Groover back with us today. Brother Cody is a missionary in Yucatan, Mexico. He will bring both messages today.

Our Spring Meeting is set for May 2-4 (Friday through Sunday). Speakers are Marvin Stalnaker & Gabe Stalnaker.


MY HELP -- ". . . From Whence Cometh My Help" -- Psalm 121: 1-8

Believer, our help is Christ. Our help comes from the hills—his holy hill in heaven and that hill where Christ has given his gospel. His help is personal help—MY help (Hebrews 2: 17-18). In all our troubles remember the truth revealed in this Psalm . . .

The Lord Will Not.

First, the Lord will not allow the feet of his redeemed child to be moved. (Ps 121: 3) Many times “our feet are almost gone, our steps well-nigh slipped.” But God our Savior will not allow our feet to be moved. (Ps 62: 2; 91: 11-12) Secondly, the LORD will not slumber nor sleep. (Ps 121: 3-4) God never forgets his children. We can’t remember what to forget and we keep forgetting what we should remember. (Phil 3: 13-14; Nu 11: 5; Jos 1: 13; Mt 16: 9-10) But God never forgets his child—neither slumbers nor sleeps. God never ceases to consider his child of grace. (Ps 40: 17) Each child is always at the center-focus of Gods thoughts. There is never is a moment, night or day, in which the great mind of the Eternal ceases to think of the child he has everlastingly loved in Christ Jesus. “He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.”

The Lord Is.

The Lord is the keeper of his child. (Ps 121: 5) Christ is our shade of righteousness and our shade of defense, the shade upon our right hand is Christ our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption—our ALL! (Ps 121: 5-6; Is 4:5-6; 1 Jn 4: 10; 1 Cor 1: 29-30) Christ is able to give his help because Christ is God who created all things but even better, Christ is our Redeemer who by his blood makes all things new. (Ps 8: 3; 2 Pet 3: 13; Rev 21: 1-6; Is 66: 22)

The Lord Shall.

First, the Lord shall preserve each of his children. (Ps 121:7) There would be no perseverance of the saints where it not for the preserving of our Lord. (Eph 1: 13) Secondly, notice what the Lord shall preserve his child from—all evil. I found 569 references to evil in the bible. Here are a few: evil of the heart (Gen 6: 5), evil of your doings, evil report (Num 13: 32), evil beast, evil congregation (Num 14: 35), evil place (Nu 20: 5), evil generation (De 1: 35), evil diseases (De 7: 15), evil name (slander) (De 22: 14), evil spirit, evil dealings, evil understanding (Job 28: 28), and evil time (Ps 37: 18). The LORD shall preserve thee from ALL evil. (Job 5: 19-27) Also, the LORD shall preserve your soul. (Ps 121: 7) He shall raise our bodies incorruptible from the dust of the grave, but the soul—how important!—the soul. (Mt 16: 26; Ps 34:22) Furthermore, the Lord shall preserve our going in and coming out, that is, all our ways. (Ps 121: 8; Pro 3:6) When will the LORD start doing this?—from this time forth (Mt 6: 31-34) "Cast foreboding cares away, God provideth for today." But for how long will the Lord preserve me?—even for evermore. The end of this life is just the beginning. (Mt 5: 8) -- Clay Curtis, pastor in New Jersey

Mercy For The Worst

There was never a more evil king in the history of Israel than Manasseh. Scripture says, "Manasseh made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err, and to do WORSE than the heathen . . ." (II Chron.33:9). As a result of the sins of Manasseh and the sins of Israel, judgment and wrath came down upon Israel as a nation. They were delivered into captivity and suffered many things. And then it says, "And when (Manasseh) was in affliction, he besought the Lord his God, and humbled himself before the God of his fathers. And prayed unto Him: and he was intreated of (God), and heard his supplication . . .and (Manasseh) took away the strange gods and idol . . . and commanded Judah to serve the Lord God of Israel" (II Chron.33:12-16).

How amazing and wonderful is the mercy of God. It is higher than the heavens. The Lord is merciful to the worst of men and will pardon all manner of sin. The Lord is able to save to the uttermost. He is able to save the most sinful and rebellious man on earth. There are no impossible cases with the all powerful Lord of Heaven and earth. If there is hope for the likes of Manasseh, surely there is hope for you, O' chief of sinners. The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy. (Psa. 147:11)

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