Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church
Pastor Patrick Hines  |  Kingsport, Tennessee
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Prayer 5.29.2011
FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 2011
Posted by: Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church | more..
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Our Father in heaven, we come each week to find forgiveness of our sins. We thank Thee that by faith the saints of God will overcome by the blood of the Lamb. We are all guilty and there is none worthy to be here in this place this morning. We have all sinned and gone astray. We have gone our own way. Revive our faith and give us hope in the blood of the lamb.

We remember that Jesus said that we drink His blood for the forgiveness of sins. Paul tells us that we have been redeemed through His blood for the forgiveness of sins. Christ has reconciled all things to Himself having made peace through the blood of the cross. Being justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. Peter tells us that we have been redeemed with the precious blood of the Lamb, unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. Therefore brethren, we have confidence to enter the Holy Place by the blood of the Lamb.

So, Lord here we are today with blood everywhere. Blood is written in the Book. Blood is on our minds. Blood is the doorway into the presence of God. It is not our blood, but the blood of Jesus. As we were baptized into Christ, we have put on Christ, and we have the mark of God. We belong to Him because we are those who trust in the cleansing blood of Christ to cleanse us from all of our sins as we have been baptized into the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It was costly for Him. It cost Jesus His own life. It is free for us. All we must do is look unto Him. We cast our eyes on Him this morning and again we plead His atonement for us. Grant us the joy of such faith.

Lord, as we ponder all that Jesus has done for us, help us to love Him more and more. Let love be our motive as we go forth in our callings in this life. May the love of Christ be abound in all that we do.

If Christ forgives us, then how can we not forgive others. When sinners come to us in repentance, how can we not receive them into the fellowship of the Church, even seven times seventy. There is none so low, there is none so deep in the pit, that with repentance they cannot be forgiven. So, Lord, may the forgiveness we enjoy be granted to others who need our forgiveness.

Our Father, help us to follow after Christ. Some are called to even give up their own lives. Some lost all their possessions, but considered Christ more important than the things of this world. Our sacrifices today may be minor compared to the martyrs, but they are just as real. From the mother who gives her life for her children, to the father who takes the responsibility to be the head of the home, there is self-denial and sacrifice. From those who give precious time to the work of the Church to those who are called to do the ministry of mercy in preparing a meal for the downtrodden, there is sacrifice. No sacrifice is too small to be counted as lacking credibility of the evidence of the love for Christ. From the dollar given away by the small child to the thousands of dollars given away by the rich man - they both equally show their love of Christ.

Our Father, our obedience is not to merit our justification. It flows from an appreciation of the love of Christ. Christians obey the commandments of God. Christians uphold the law of God. Christians love the truth. For the love of Christ, even with all their imperfection, they run the race. Lord, help us to run the race in this day of lawlessness.

Our Father, help us to uphold the testimony of Christ. He is on the throne and the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and His Christ and He will rule forever and forever. Let all the kings of this world know that there is another King – King Jesus – and either they bow to Him or they will be crushed with a rod of iron. Our Lawgiver is Christ. His Word is written upon our foreheads and upon our hands. Only He has the right to teach us how to think and how to act. The Kings of the earth bring judgment upon themselves when they usurp the rights of King Jesus. It is to the word and to the testimonies that we must go. If they speak not according to this, then it is because there is no truth in them.

Lord, give us righteous and kind rulers in the civil magistrate, in the Church, and in the Home. We need rulers and overseers. We need instruction, but we need kindness and mercy too. Be gracious to us and give us such men to rule over us. We ask all these things in Christ’s Name. Amen.

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