Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church
Pastor Patrick Hines  |  Kingsport, Tennessee
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Prayer 7.18.2010
Posted by: Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church | more..
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Lord, forgive us, for in many ways we do not know really how to pray. Sometimes, our hearts are filled with joy and exuberance and we forget to give you thanks. Sometimes, our dreams and hopes have become dark and dead. We forget that you have a purpose in all things. Our Father, help us pray aright. Help us to sprinkle our joys with reality, and help us to lift the darkness from our vision that we may see the light of Christ.

Our Father, we return to Church this morning to hear about the forgiveness of our sins. We come to hear that Jesus has washed us as white as snow. We come because this is the place where we should expect to meet You. Where else can we find God if we cannot find Him here? Grant to us today your presence. May your Holy Spirit do its work in our hearts and our minds. Give us sound minds. Give us hearts with pure affections. Give us faith that trusts in the sometimes mysterious and mighty hand of God.

Lord, help us to see that trials and tribulation are part and parcel of the lives of God’s people. Sometimes, Lord, we hurt. Sometimes we shed tears when we are alone. Sometimes, we lie awake in bed at night because the burdens of this world fill our minds. Lord, we are weak, and sometimes we are very weary. Help us to carry on. Help us to fight the good fight. Help us to respond like Job when he said, Even though the Lord slay me, yet will I trust in Him.

O God, hear our prayers. Give sight to the blind. Mend the brokenhearted. Give hope to those who have lost all hope. Remove the stumbling blocks that cause us to fall. Take away all arrogance and any haughtiness that may be found in us.

O Lord, bless thy Church. Thy Church has seen many troubles. Division has become normal. As soon as we overcome one problem, there arises another. Thy sheep need a shepherd. Lord, we are confused. What shall the sheep do, when the shepherds can’t agree? What shall the sheep do, when the shepherds are divided? What shall the sheep do, when the shepherds fight against each other? Lord, protect thy sheep from the shepherds.

Our Father, bless our homes. Give us Fathers who love their wives and children. Give us men who lead rather than follow. Give us wives who respect their husbands. Give us homes in which the children feel secure and know the wealth of a living faith that upholds their home.

Our Father we watch the slow demise of our nation. We watch our leaders ignore our laws. We abort our children. We promote sodomy. We finance our lifestyles by burdening our children and grandchildren with debt. O Lord, will our legacy be justice tempered with meekness or shall we give to our children a lawless nation drowning in materialism?

O God, give our children purpose. Give them direction. Challenge them with the duties of responsibility. May they excel even beyond our expectations. Help us to show them the way. Teach them that calling is gained by sacrifice. We compete with the world, and may we not fail to show the strength of God in all that we do.

Lord, lead us not into temptation. We know our weaknesses. We fear facing them. We know that without thy grace, we shall fall again. The lure of sin is too powerful for us. Keep us from every the temptation. Guard our hearts and minds. We see so much. We hear so much. There is so much to do. It the blessing of our generation and it is also our curse.

O God, our God, do not be silent. We dread the day of silence. May Thy word be vibrant and lively. May our prayers be heard and answered. May we see the day when we can say, we prayed and God answered. Give us days of victory that we may be jubilant and joyful. Give us victories in life that we can come to this place and praise thy Name. Surely, Lord it is not too much to ask, so that Your Name be honored. The Bible is the story of great victories. Surely Lord they have not come to an end. Surely, now in Christ Jesus, we can say indeed, we are more than conquers in Christ. Give us victory in Jesus, O Lord, for thy name’s sake.

Our Father, give us the joy of worship this day. May we sing joyfully to the Lord and serve him with gladness. May we come before Him, knowing that our God is the God of all gods and the King of all kings. We are mindful that it is You who has made us and not we ourselves. We are indeed your people and the sheep of your pasture.

We come to enter your gates with thanksgiving and your courts with praise. We come to give thanks for the Lord is good and Your lovingkindness lasts forever, even unto a thousand generations. In Christ’s Name we pray. Amen.

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