Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church
Pastor Patrick Hines  |  Kingsport, Tennessee
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Prayer 6.14.2009
Posted by: Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church | more..
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Almighty, eternal, and merciful God and Father, we are poor sinners and we confess that we have sinned in many ways against You and against Your commandments.

We confess that we have not believed in You, our one God and Father. We have oftentimes been weak in faith. We have been overcome with worry and anxiety, when we simply needed to believe what You have spoken in the Holy Scriptures. Forgive us of our sins.

We confess that we have erected idols in our hearts. We have taken the things the world worships and we have worshiped them too. Forgive us of our sins.

We confess that we have misused Your Name. We have not always kept our word. We have not lived up to our vows and pledges. We have vowed when we should not have vowed, for it is better not to vow than to vow and not keep it. Forgive us of our sins.

We confess that we have not kept the Sabbath holy. In a day when men no longer believe in the Sabbath, we have followed suit. We have grumbled against the blessings of Your day. Forgive us of our sins.

We confess that we have not honored our parents. We have been disobedient to them. We have grumbled against them. We have not respected them in their old age. They gave their lives for us and we give them little in return. Forgive us of our sins.

We confess that we have not respected life. We cry out against abortion, and yet we commit murder in our own hearts. We vent our anger against our neighbors and we do not seek to protect their honor and dignity. We gossip too much. Forgive us of our sins.

We confess that we have been unchaste. We live in a generation whose eyes are full of adultery. We go to excess and extravagance in our whole lives, in our eating, in our drinking, in our clothing, and in other things. We are intemperate in our thinking, in our seeing, in our hearing, and in our speaking. Forgive us of our sins.

We confess that we have stolen. We have been concerned about ourselves and not given time to others who are in need of comfort and consolation. We confess our love of the world and the things of the world. Forgive us of our sins.

We confess that we have born false witness. We have been untrue and unfaithful toward our neighbor. We have shaded and twisted the truth. We have embellished the truth that we might be praised. Forgive us of our sins.

We confess that we have coveted. Lord, this may be the greatest sin of all. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and opportunities. We have coveted our neighbor's talents and success. We have not been content with what God has made us to be. We all think we deserve more. Forgive us of our sins.

Our Father, we beg of You, that You would graciously forgive us of all our sins. Even more, we beg of You that You would free us from the temptation to sin. Even more, we beg of You that You would free us from the power of sin. Keep and preserve us from this day forth that we might be holy and walk in Your ways and live according to Your will.

Lord, may we be overcome by such a love of Thee, that sin disappears more and more. Sin kills us. Sin destroys. Lord, deliver us from sin.

Grant that we might understand that Jesus came not merely to save us and to make us happy, but He came to forgive us of our sin and to deliver us from our sin. May the power of Jesus through His Holy Spirit so overcome us that we become servants of righteousness and holiness. After all, in the end that is all that matters.

We expected very little of ourselves because of who we know ourselves to be, yet we are to rewarded with all the blessings of the inheritance of God. This is too great for us to understand. Lord, hear our prayer this morning. We pray in Jesus Name.

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