Central Grace Church
3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia
Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]
October 6th 2024
10:00 am ……… The Grace of God Seen – Acts 11:23
Wednesday: 7:00 pm Noah & the Ark – Genesis 6 & 7
*** The Lord willing, Our FALL MEETING will be NOVEMBER 8-10. Speakers are David Eddmenson & Gabe Stalnaker. Mark your calendar and plan to be with us.
*** OCTOBER 19TH FALL WORK DAY. Everyone come and help. Inside and outside work to be done.
The Matchless Love of Jesus Christ -- Ephesians 3:14-19
The apostle, in praying for the saints at Ephesus, asked the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, that He would grant according to the riches of His glory that they might be, “Strengthened with might by His spirit in the inner man. That Christ might dwell in our hearts by faith, and being ROOTED and GROUNDED IN LOVE may be able to comprehend the love of Christ, to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge. The saints of God know and also pray for others to know, the love of Christ, for there is nothing wider, longer, deeper, or higher than the love that Jesus Christ has for poor sinners whom He died for. His love is matchless! When I say matchless, I mean just that, it is matchless! The love of man for a woman cannot match it. The love of a mother for her child cannot match it. There is no love known in the universe, which can match the love of Christ for His people!
1. His love is matchless because it is ETERNAL (Jer. 31:3). It has no beginning and no ending. It is eternal in its consequences, He loved us before the world began and the end of the world will not stop it.
2. His love is matchless because it is FREE (Hos.11: 4). This is a stumbling stone for the vast majority of mankind, for they believe they must earn His love, but it is freely given to sinners and sinners freely receive it.
3. His matchless love is FAULTLESS. Even in chastening those whom He receives, He does it in love (Heb. 12:6-7). Search it, examine it, you can not doubt it.
4. His love is DISCRIMINATING (Rom. 5:6-8). Not as men think of discrimination, He loves and receives sinners out of every kindred, tribe and tongue of people. But He only loves sinners, beggars, lepers, and the vilest. “This man receiveth sinners!”
5. His love is FAITHFUL, It does not change because of anything in us, or because of anything we do. His love was faithful to Peter who denied Him, went back fishing, and warmed his hands at the fires of His Lord’s enemies. – Don Bell
“There will be little else we shall want of Heaven besides Jesus Christ. He will be our bread, our food, our beauty, and our glorious dress. The atmosphere of Heaven will be Christ: everything in Heaven will be Christ-like: yea, Christ is the Heaven of His people.” - Charles Spurgeon, 1858, (24 yrs. old)
Nothing Can Disturb True Faith
“Great Peace have they which love Thy law: and nothing shall offend them.” – Psalm 119:165
Try as I may, I cannot avoid hearing and reading the things that are being said and written today. I pick up the newspaper at times, knowing full well what is in it; all the false reports and biased articles. I turn on the television or computer and hear all the slanted stories, the endless ranting and raving of self-righteous politicians, the ‘findings’ of modern science, all the opinions and comments of every loud mouth Tom, Dick, Harry and Mary, and especially all the religious dung . . . and it all sickens me. Yet . . . it does not influence me in any way, for I truly believe God’s Word about all things. I can truly say with David, “ I esteem all Thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way” (Ps.119:128). And I wholeheartedly agree with the apostle, “Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?” (I Cor.1:20). There is nothing that anyone can say, nothing anyone supposedly discovers, and nothing that can happen that will in any way discredit or disprove one Word of God’s Word; and I truly laugh at man’s attempts to do so. How about you? Can anything or anyone unsettle or disturb your faith? If not, then you are grounded and settled in the Truth. And remember this; the natural man is enmity against God, is a liar by nature, and is a selfish creature. He will say or do anything to promote and protect himself. That is his evil nature. God is True. God cannot lie. God is righteous in all His ways. The Lord God can and should be believed.
“The WORD generates faith and regenerates us.” – Joseph Alleine
“Faith is fed by what is plain in Scripture and tried by what is obscure.” – Augustine
“Christ is the scope of Scripture.” – Richard Sibbes