Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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­­­Central Grace Church

September 8th 2024

10:00 am ------------------------------------Psalm For a Soul in Trouble (A Cry For Help) – Psalm25

Wednesday: 7:00 pm ---------------- Blessed Are the Merciful & Pure in Heart – Matthew 5:7-8

Fear God – “And I saw another angel fly . . . saying with a loud voice, FEAR GOD” – Revelation 14:6-7

-- He who does not fear God has need to fear everything else. – unknown

-- We fear men and things so much because we fear God so little. – William Gurnall

-- He who fears God has nothing else to fear. – Spurgeon

-- Since the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; the wiser we grow, the more we will fear Him.

-- “The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before their eyes.” – Psalm 26:1

-- “God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints . . .” – Psalm 89:7

Walking With God “Noah walked with God . . . Abraham was called the Friend of God” – Genesis 5:22, James 2:23

Walking with God is the best way to know the mind of God; friends who walk together impart their secrets one to another: "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him." Noah walked with God, and the Lord revealed a great secret to him, of destroying the old world, and having him in the ark. Abraham walked with God, and God made him one of his privy council: "Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do?" (Ge 24:40 18:17). God doth sometimes sweetly unbosom himself to the soul in prayer, and in the holy supper, as Christ made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of bread. – Thomas Watson

Nothing But a Huge Clod Of Dust-- "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." Colossians 3:2

Everything upon earth, as viewed by the eyes of the Majesty of heaven—is base and utterly worthless. Earth is after all, nothing but a huge clod of dust, and as such, as insignificant in the eyes of its Maker as the small dust of the balance, or the drop of the bucket. What, then, are earth’s highest objects—its loftiest aims—its grandest pursuits—its noblest employments—in the sight of Him who inhabits eternity, but base and worthless? Vanity is stamped on all earth's attainments. All earthly pursuits and high accomplishments—wealth, rank, learning, power, or pleasure— end in death! The breath of God's displeasure soon lays low in the grave all that is rich and mighty, high and proud. But that effectual work of grace on the heart, whereby the chosen vessels of mercy are delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God's dear Son, calls them out of those low, groveling pursuits—those earthly toys—those base and sensual lusts—in which other men seek at once their happiness and their ruin.

Who is On The Lord’s Side? -- “Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, ‘Who is on the LORD’S side?

Let him come unto me.’ And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.” – Exodus 23:26

Moses was a man of God with the message of God, yet many opposed him. For forty years Moses did one thing, he faithfully declared the Word of God to the supposed people of God, yet many opposed him. Moses declared the living and true God, the God Who is God, the God of the Bible, yet many opposed him. All Moses did was say what God said, yet many opposed him.

The same was and is true of every God sent prophet, apostle, evangelist, pastor and teacher sent by God throughout history. The God sent man has the same mission and message from God, to declare the Word of God, the Truth of God, the Gospel of God, the Christ of God, yet many oppose him. Why? Because the natural man hates the Holy, Sovereign God of the Bible and loves sin and self (self-will, self-rule, self-righteousness). The natural man, though religious, wants his will, his way, and his glory. God is not the enemy of man, but man is the enemy of God. Man is for himself and against God. Truth be known, the Truth is against man. The Bible says nothing good about man. The Bible declares man to be evil, ignorant, worthless, rebellious, powerless and unable to choose anything or do anything right or good. The Bible declares man to be dead and his only hope is if God wills to give him life. Mankind hates the truth. But WHO IS ON THE LORD’S SIDE?

Who takes sides with God against himself? against free-will? against self-righteousness? against self-conceit? against pride and vain glory? “Moses said: Let him come unto me.” God was and is unseen. There was and is no visible side of God. So the people were called to stand with Moses, God’s man . . . to leave their families and friends and stand with Moses; to take side with Moses . . . on God’s side. What about you? Whose side are you on? Will you defend God’s honor or man’s. Will you defend God’s Word or man’s? Will you side with what God says about man or what man says about God? Will you defend God’s preacher who proclaims the Truth? Will you side with him over your flesh and blood family? All the sons of Levi did. All the God ordained, God appointed priests did and do. All whom Christ hath made kings and priests gather themselves together on the Lord’s side, on His preacher’s side, on the side of God’s Word against man’s, truth against error, God’s glory against man’s.

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