Central Grace Church
3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia
Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]
January 14th 2024
9:30 am -----------------------The God-Man & Men of God – Exodus 18:13-27
10:00 am ---------------------------------------------- Smyrna – Revelation 2:8-11
Wednesday: 7:00 pm ------------- The Old & New Man – Ephesians 4:20-32
Salvation does not consist in anything of the flesh, that is, "in anything earthly, human and natural," as "the flesh profits nothing." "In other words, it is not the natural children who are God's children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham's offspring" Romans 9:8. Thus, no man can deliver his own soul, nor give to God a ransom for himself, or his brother; but all "flesh is grass," fit only to be cut down by the mower, and to be cast into the oven.
We come, then, to this conclusion, to which God sooner or later brings every elect soul, that those who are saved are saved, because God will save them; that "He has mercy on whom He will have mercy," and on them alone; that He saves them not from any foreseen goodness in them, but of His own discriminating, sovereign grace; that He loves them freely, eternally and unchangeably; and that they are redeemed, justified, quickened, sanctified, preserved, and glorified, only because they are the objects of the undeserved love of a Triune Jehovah. – J.C. Philpot
A Walk Worthy Of Our Calling -- Ephesians 4:1-7
In the first three chapters of this epistle Paul deals with the doctrines of the grace of God, explaining and establishing them. In the last three chapters he deals mainly with the duties of believers with regard to the Christian walk.
v. 1. ‘I beseech you to take heed to your conduct and conversation that your behavior be a credit to him who by his grace called you out of darkness into his kingdom of light. In your attitude, speech, home life, business dealings and social contacts, conduct yourselves in a way that is becoming to the name of Christ which you wear. Adorn the gospel of Christ with righteousness’ (Titus 2:7-10).
v. 2. ‘In lowliness and meekness,’ that is, in the exercise of humility having the best thoughts of others and the lowest thoughts of ourselves; in not envying the gifts and graces of others but rejoicing in them; and in willingness to receive correction, rebuke and instruction. ‘With long-suffering,’ bearing patiently the faults and infirmities of others, not being easily provoked to anger nor being offended by slight or misunderstanding. God is certainly patient with us! (Gal. 6:1,2). ‘Forbearing one another in love,’ making whatever allowances are necessary because you love one another! (1 Cor. 13:4-7;
1 Peter 4:8).
v. 3. ‘Be eager and strive earnestly to protect and keep the harmony and oneness of spirit in the church.’ This spiritual union between Christ and his people and between believers is produced by the Holy Spirit. We are united in faith, love, purpose and one body. My responsibility is to do all within my power to protect and preserve that unity, even to surrendering my rights and opinions (Ps. 133:l; 1 Cor. 3:1-3). – Henry Mahan’s commentaries
Finishing the Race
Those who are so foolish as to allow ANYTHING IN THEIR LIFE to cause them to renounce their faith in Christ and neglect their duty and privileges as children of the living God will, like Esau, someday weep with bitter tears when it is beyond their power to recover what is lost. Guard against apostasy and fleshly appetites; guard against neglecting worship and daily communion with the Lord; guard against unwholesome companions and worldly social contacts; guard against covetousness and materialism lest you come, at last, to mourn bitterly your foolishness and wickedness.
We have entered A RACE. The prize goes to those who FINISH (Heb. 10:35-39). There will be difficult times, perhaps heavy trials; and along the way there will be tempting pastures of pleasure, which appeal to the flesh. We must go on! We may proceed rapidly or slowly; we may even stumble and fall; but, looking to Christ, we continue. I have a responsibility TO MY LORD and to the gospel of His grace. Neither the smiles nor the frowns of the world will cause me to surrender what I believe. I have a responsibility to the church, my brothers, my family, and to those whose lives I touch. By His grace, I must not allow anything to cause me to quit the race nor fail to see it through.
In 50 years of pastoring and preaching, I have seen many runners in this race. Those who finish and are crowned with glory are those who CONTINUE FAITHFUL! They lay aside the weights and sins which hinder; they look neither BACK to Egypt which they have left nor AROUND at others who profess to run, but only FORWARD to Christ, their goal. They do not always maintain the same pace, for sometimes the track is smooth and sometimes it is rocky or muddy; but they are always moving in the same direction. "I shall be satisfied when I awake with Thy likeness." – Henry Mahan