Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

December 24th 2023

10:30 am------------------------------------------------------The Birth of The Christ Child – Matthew 1&2/Luke 2



As you well know, we place absolutely no religious significance upon the day and the season commonly referred to as Christmas. Nevertheless, I agree with Spurgeon when he said : “I am glad that at least one day out of the year folks actually think upon the One named Jesus Who came 2000 years ago.”

And I am glad that at least one day a year, those who are usually mean as a snake, become nice and cheerful. And those who rarely do anything for anyone else finally do something nice for a change. And the gathering of families together around a table, the giving of gifts, and a general attitude of good will , are a welcome respite, even if for one brief time in the year. And perhaps, as Spurgeon said, we should take advantage of a time when the minds of men are on this most important of all subjects . . . the question of questions: "What think ye of Christ? Whose Son is He?" As always, the church of God at this time, like every other time we meet, will declare Who Christ is and why He came. Bless God He was born. And bless God even more, He died for our sins, arose, and ever lives for His people.

And so, I wish you all a very, merry time with your families, but more importantly, I wish us all a very glad and merry time of worship today around our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Chosen Out of the People -- By Nancy Parks

“I have exalted one chosen out of the people.” - Psalm 89:19

He left the glories of Heaven, where He and the Father were one

Gave up the praise and the honor, belonging To God’s own dear Son

He who was Lord of creation, came as a servant to be,

Down to the earth, by miraculous birth, and was one of the people for me.

He wasn’t born in a palace; He had no soft royal bed,

Laid in a rough lowly manger, with a pillow of hay for his head.

He wore no purple or satin, no crown of gold for the King

He was willing to live like a beggar, life and hope for His people to bring

Chorus: He was chosen from out of the people, such a miracle how can it be?

That God in His infinite mercy, would join flesh to His Deity.

He was chosen from out of the people, but never was a man such as He.

Chosen from out of the people by God, to die for a sinner like me.

Begotten was He by God’s Spirit, but born of the young virgin’s seed,

Fully God, perfect and holy, but fully man to feel all our needs.

Earning His bread by His labor, a friend of the friendless was He;

I can’t comprehend how that God became man, and was one of the people for me.

Ruined and hopeless in Adam, I had no merit to claim,

Required by my God to be perfect, but unable to cover my shame.

Needing a perfect Redeemer, one who could pay the great cost

Christ Jesus came as my kinsman redeemer to buy back for me what I had lost.

He was betrayed and forsaken, convicted and sentenced by man

But all in the Will of the Father, and according to the God-head’s great plan

Bearing God’s wrath for my sin debt, His covenant promise to keep

Here was God’s chosen one, His own eternal Son, giving His life for His sheep.

Oh, hear His cry “It is finished”, God’s great transaction was done,

The sinless one died for the sinful, now the sins of His people are gone

He was laid in a tomb that was borrowed, but death could not hold Him for long.

Such a great celebration, at His coronation, when Jesus the God man went home.

Now there’s a man up in Heaven, seated at the Father’s right hand,

Forever exalted and honored, Christ Jesus the gracious God man.

One day He’s coming in power, the bride that He died for to claim,

There with Him we’ll be, throughout eternity

And we’ll never cease praising His name.

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