Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

August 20th 2023

9:30 am ---------------------------------------- Token & Frontlets; Cloud & Fire – Exodus 13:14-22

10:00 am ---------------------------- A Great Love Story: The Poor Sinner (Bride) – Ruth chapter 1

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People of God . . . We can plan and arrange our worship services perfectly according to Scripture, sing just the right songs, pray fervently and Scripturally and even deliver a well studied, God honoring message from the Word of God, but we cannot worship unless the Lord Himself graces our presence with His, and blesses us to do so. Pray for it. Let us seek Him this very morning that we may find. - Chris Cunningham

Bought With a Price -- Hosea 3:1-3

Forsaken by her patrons of whoredom, Gomer’s creditors have foreclosed to settle her great debt. Yet all she has is what little is left of herself. It is here that her husband Hosea finds her, ragged, torn, sick, dirty, destitute and chained to the auction block in the filthy slave market. She won’t bring much of a price. She is just a shadow of what she once was. How could anyone love her now? But the very one she cheated, left, and was unfaithful to, her husband, is the one who bought her with a price.

Child of God, this is our story. We are not our own, for we have been bought with a price by none other than our heavenly husband, the Lord Jesus Christ. How can this be? We, also, are but a shadow of what we once were before Adam sinned.

But here we find the glorious Gospel. The very One we cheated, left and was unfaithful to shed for us His own blood to pay our sin-debt. And He says to us what Hosea said to Gomer. “Thou shalt abide with me many days. (Forever) Thou shalt not play the harlot. Thou shalt not be with another, and I will be for thee”(Hosea 3:3). Man can never repay that which we owe Him. Not just because we are unable to do so, but because it was a free gift from the One who loved us and gave Himself for us. -- David Eddmenson

Note: The following article is taken from Henry Mahan’s commentary on the book of Romans. I am so thankful the Lord gave me a true and faithful pastor, preacher, teacher who preached and taught God’s Word exactly as it is written. May the Lord enable us to do the same.

Present Your Bodies unto God and Don’t Be Like the World Romans 12:1-2

Paul, having taught in the preceding chapters the great doctrines of redemption by grace through faith, now turns to the results of redemption – the life of grace and godliness, or the believer's walk, conduct and conversation in this present world. Our attitude and duties to God, to the church of God, and to all men may be summed up in one word – love! He loved us

(1 John 4:16) and we love him (1 John 4:19) and we love one another (1 John 4:20, 21). If we do not understand this and are not motivated by love, we fail before we even begin our discussion of duties and works (Gal. 5:13, 14).

12:1 I appeal to you, brethren, by the mercies of God.’ Whatever we are called upon to do, say, be or give is not by way of threats, fear or even bargaining but because of the mercy of God to us (1 John 4:11; Eph. 4:32; Luke 6:35, 36). ‘That you present your bodies a living sacrifice.’ Paul is talking about just what you think he is talking about – our human faculties. Let our tongues be employed in praising God. Let our feet take us to worship, to the assembly, to the door of others to minister. Let our arms be used to embrace and lift the needy. The believer, as a priest, offers himself to God as a living sacrifice.Here am I, Lord, send me’ – to preach to the lost, to care for the sick, to support the missionary, to cheer the faint, to comfort the weary – but somehow use me to accomplish your purpose! Is that not our reasonable service, since we are not our own, but bought by his blood?

12:2 The word ‘world’ means the nature, character, opinions, goals, fashions, and attitude of unregenerate men. The worldly man seeks the praise of men; the believer seeks the praise of God. The worldling thinks only of himself; the believer considers others. The worldling cares for the body; the believer cares for the soul. The worldling looks only upon that which is seen; the believer looks on that which is unseen. The worldling cares for what he shall eat, drink and wear; the believer seeks first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. This spiritual attitude can only be accomplished by a renewing or regenerating work of God in the mind and soul. It is contrary to the nature of flesh (2 Cor. 5:17; Phil. 2:12, 13). As old leaves drop off a tree to make room for the new ones, so the renewing work of the Spirit in our minds and hearts pushes out pride, envy, malice and covetousness. In this way we both experience and manifest what is pleasing and honoring to God (Eph. 5:9, 10).

One of the best cures for anxiety is to believe with all your heart that all things are of God (2 Corinthians 5:18), and are working for your good. Romans 8:28 -- “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” -- John Chapman

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