Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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SUNDAY, MAY 28, 2023
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

May 28th 2023

9:30 am --------------------------------------------------Blood Throughout the Land –Exodus 7:17-25

10:00 am-- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- - Christ Bound & Led Away – John 18:7-14

Wednesday: 7:00 pm ---------------------------------------- Simon Peter’s Denial – John 18:15-27

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True Preachers -- Franklin News Post, 1989

If I were to ask the question: “What is your definition of a preacher?” I am sure I would receive many different descriptions, and most of them unfavorable. Most so-called preachers in this generation have given this profession a bad reputation. Most are a laughing stock to this generation – and rightfully so, for much of what I see and hear from them is as ridiculous as some comedy show. I am continually amazed at how so many people are following these religious hucksters.

The Lord Jesus Christ described them by calling them “wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15), because they prey on people, especially the weak and sickly. John called them “snakes” (Matthew 3:7), probably because they would sneak around hospital rooms trying to notch up another convert on their belts. Peter said they “with feigned words make merchandise of you… (II Peter 2:3), and he said they have “eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls (v. 14).” Paul said: they “creep into houses… (II Timothy 3:6)” (via T.V. and radio) and he said “their folly shall be manifest unto all men (v. 9).”

Most prime-time preachers for profit are easy to spot with their continual begging for money and their obvious quest for fame. But the deception continues down the line into the average small-town preacher. It should be equally obvious to any rational thinking individual when a man is more interested in making a name for himself than he is for God. Can you possibly imagine Peter, James, or John resorting to foolish gimmicks or tricks to bring in a crowd? Do you think Paul had to turn his collar around or wear a robe so people would know he was a preacher? Did he demand to be called reverend or doctor Paul?

It is a sad commentary indeed when men are more interested in the entertainment of people rather than their salvation. And that is the whole problem, for there is very little true preaching going on, mostly just fun and games. But God has not left Himself without a witness. As in every generation since Noah, God has some true “preachers of righteousness (II Peter 2:5).” They are men who are more concerned with the Glory of God than having the biggest church in town; men who want the people to know Christ more than themselves; men who are counting blessings – not heads; men who are in the study more than they are in the hospital; men who are more interested in “thus saith the Lord” than what people want to hear.

God’s preachers are not out to win friends and influence people. They are not trying to get people to feel good about themselves, but rather want folks to repent and bow down before the Holy, sovereign God and His Christ. True preachers are just that – preachers. They are totally taken up with the preaching of the gospel . . . which is the “power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16).”

I call upon every preacher who reads this article to – give yourself to prayer and the study of God’s Word in order that you might preach THE message of the gospel to the people. I exhort you to boldly proclaim the truth from God’s Word, cost what it may. If it is God you serve, then you seek to glorify Him and not please men (Gal. 1:10). I call upon everyone who reads this article that is truly interested in knowing God and having eternal life – to “try the spirits (I John 4:1)” Don’t take any man’s word for anything concerning your eternal destiny, but get alone with the Word of God and read it. A good place to start is Romans 1.

Who is getting the glory? That is the test of a true preacher.

Go Not Up Into the Mount – Exodus 19:12

While sitting, resting in the comfort and safety of my home, I saw a photograph of a line of people following each other in blinding snow and bitter cold, trying to walk up Mount Everest. The article said that the death toll is reaching its highest ever. Yet the people kept going . . . in spite of body after body being brought down from that mountain, they trudged on; many to their deaths. I thought of the above scripture.

The LORD GOD warned the people not to try and ‘go up into the mount (Sinai).’ He warned that everyone who even touched it would be put to death. That mountain is the Law, the inflexible, Holy Law of God which everyone has broken, no man can keep; and all who attempt to get to God by the Law are rejecting Christ and saying they can get to God by their works. All who do so, shall be surely put to death. But O, how many foolishly follow their blind leaders to their death.

And how many try to ascend the pinnacle of power, pride, and creature praise . . . only to die and quickly be forgotten; how many try to summit the mount of self-satisfaction, and fleshly pleasure. . . only to lose it all and die.

How foolish, how sad, how tragic . . . but O how blessed is the man who rests, trusts, and glories in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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