Central Grace Church
3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia
Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]
March 19th 2023
9:30 am -------------------------------------. The Lord’s Spokesman – Exodus 4:10-17
10:00 am ----------------------------- Christ: The Way, Truth & Life – John 14:4-6
Wednesday: 7:00 pm ----------------------- The Little Known Lord – John 14:7-14
Thirty four years ago on this date, this church called me to be its pastor. Mindy and I are both so very thankful to our Lord for bringing us here and thankful for each one of you. We love you and thank you for your love and support these many years. The Lord has truly blessed us all these years with His gospel and we trust and pray He will continue to do so.
Some Characteristics of the People of God – by Henry Mahan
The people of God are a faithful people. They are faithful to the Lord, to the gospel, to the church, and to their pastors. The people of God are a grateful people. While all honor and praise for all things is to be first given to the Lord, yet it is Christ-like and commendable to be grateful for one another and to one another for every labor of love. The people of God are an affectionate people. Some ridicule and criticism has been cast on a show of genuine affection between believers; yet it was practiced by the early churches, to whom Paul four times says, “Greet one another with a holy kiss.” He calls it a holy kiss as distinguished from that which is lustful and that which is common among relatives. Believers are more to one another than just holders of common doctrine. They are brethren in the family of God, and they sincerely love one another with a deeper affection than natural men can know. If one is a stranger to this Christian love, he may well be a stranger to the Saviour’s love; for Christ said, “Love one another as I have loved you.”
The Cross of Christ
WHEN the Apostle declares that he will only glory in THE CROSS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, he does not refer to the actual cross of wood on which our Lord died nor to crosses which adorn church property and hang from ears and necks. He refers to all that our Lord (in His person and work) IS, DID, and DOES to redeem His elect. THE CROSS IS A WORD WHICH STANDS FOR MANY WORDS! It is the atonement, the honoring of the law, the satisfying of justice, the righteousness of God, the propitiation, substitution, satisfaction, salvation, eternal life, and the sure mercies of David.
-- The cross is DEATH, yet in it is life.
-- The cross is SHAME, yet God’s greatest glory.
-- The cross is LOSS, yet infinite gain.
-- The cross is FOOLISHNESS, yet the wisdom of God.
-- The cross is CONDEMNATION, yet pardons in full.
-- The cross is JUSTICE, yet in it are mercy and love.
-- The cross is HUMILIATION, yet by it He is exalted.
-- The cross is HELL, yet the open door to heaven.
-- The cross is in the PAST, yet determines our great future. – author unknown
“To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous (tiresome), but for you it is safe.” – Phil.3:1
We never grow weary of preaching the Word of our Lord, the gospel of His grace: and we never tire of gathering together in His Name to worship, pray, and fellowship with His people. The old story is forever NEW; the familiar scriptures are FRESHER AND SWEETER with every taste.
- To often hear His Word preached is to keep our hearts and minds on Christ, the fountain of life.
- To often hear His Word preached is a safeguard against false doctrine and false teachers. An untaught child is more easily led astray than one “taught of God.”
- To often hear His Word preached guards against self-righteousness. No danger of a person who is often in the presence of HIS HOLINESS seeing any merit in himself.
NOAH went into the ark BEFORE ONE DROP OF WATER FELL! If he had waited until the rain commenced, he would have been joined by thousands of false converts. True faith believes the promises of God and warnings of God BEFORE they come to pass. A refuge built or entered during the storm is usually forsaken when the sun shines again. Be wary of those who seek the Lord when their flesh is pained. – Henry Mahan