Central Grace Church
3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia
Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]
January 1st 2023
10:00 am --------------------------The Lord Will Pass Through and Passover – Exodus 12
Wednesday: 7:00 pm -------------------He Whom Thou Lovest is Sick – John 11:3
A New Year Blessing
I can think of no better prayer to give nor greater blessing to declare unto you for this new year, than that which the Lord commands His preachers to say to His people: “On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them, The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. And they put my Name upon the children of Israel; and I WILL BLESS THEM.” – Numbers 6:23-27
The Importance of Worship
When the church of the Lord Jesus Christ meets, it is not the trifles of this world that should occupy her attention; she has much weightier matters to consider. The Scriptures say in Ecclesiastes 3 that there is a time for everything. There is a time for political concerns; there is a time for social action; there is a time for education and recreation. But the gatherings of the church of the Lord Jesus are a time specifically dedicated to the worship of Jesus Christ! His praise, His word, His purpose, and His work is our theme. These times must be jealously guarded against any intrusion of mundane matters. Satan, the archenemy of our Lord, will take every opportunity to divert our attention from our blessed Lord. His most effective tactic is to introduce important worldly matters into the worship services of the church. As important as these matters may be, they cannot compare with the heavenly, eternal matters of Jesus Christ and His blood and righteousness. May our gatherings, as well as our minds, be kept pure and sincere toward Our Lord Jesus Christ. – Joe Terrell, Pastor, Rocky Valley, Iowa
"...And Lose His Own Soul " -- Mark 8:36
No man can describe the loss of the soul as he should. No man can paint this dreadful picture in true colors. You and I will never fully understand what it means to lose one's soul until we pass through the valley of death and wake up in eternity. Then, and not until then, shall we know the value of the soul.
The value of all things will change greatly in that day. The hour is coming when money, bank notes, and bonds will be worth no more than waste paper. The day is coming when our diamonds, silver, and gold will be as dust in the streets. The day will dawn when houses and lands will be as worthless as a child's worn out toy. In that day the fame, honor, and glory of this world will be worth no more than faded flowers and withered grass.
In that day a man will be willing to trade all that he knows and can imagine for the privilege of hearing one gospel sermon, one hour of prayer, or one verse of scripture. In that day a man will be willing to trade all the world for one grain of faith. He will curse the day he was born! Oh, in that day of God's wrath, what will a man give in exchange for his SOUL?
-- Scott Richardson
True Humility
True humility is to have a right estimate of one’s self. It is not to deny or underestimate true ability, real knowledge, and obvious gifts. A gifted singer knows he can sing. An intelligent person is aware of his knowledge. A successful businessman knows his business, and an artist knows his skills. It is not humility to speak what one does not truly feel. True humility is born when one discovers the SOURCE of all gifts, talents, and knowledge. “WHO maketh thee to differ?” It is certain that we are different and some have what others do not have in different areas. But the Lord God, in His sovereign will, gives us all that we have. “Without Him we can do nothing.” “A Man can receive nothing except it be GIVEN him from heaven!” The higher a man grows in the grace of God, the lower he will be in his own eyes. A man who has been introduced to what really happened in the Garden of Eden and what really happened on the cross of Calvary will have no problem with pride and arrogance. Apart from the mercy and grace of God, he knows WHERE he could be and WHAT he could be! “By the grace of God, I am what I am.” – Henry Mahan