Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

December 26th - 2021

10:00 am ----------------------------------------------It is Finished – Luke 23:44-49

Wednesday: 7:00 pm -------------------- A Good and Just Man Named Joseph: Luke 23:50

*** Mindy and I would like to thank this church collectively and each of you individually for your cards, calls, texts, and generous gifts to us. We thank you for your loving support to us all these years and thank the Lord for each and every one of you. May the Lord bless the remainder of our days together around His Word, and cause to grow in grace and knowledge of His Son. May He unite our hearts to fear His Name, love Him, love each other more, and serve His cause.

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

The Greatest Privilege in All The World

BRETHREN, as redeemed sinners, we have the greatest privilege in all the world: to be counted among the people of God and gather with them to worship our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. As enlightened sinners we have the greatest work to do: make known in this world the glories of the Savior who has saved us. As children of God, we have the most glorious destiny in all the world: to be made like the Lord Jesus Christ. In light of these things, do not the troubles and disappointments of this life become small? O, let us, with sincere hearts, press on to lay hold of the wonderful salvation for which God has laid hold of us, letting nothing distract us from the goal. We will never regret the loss of anything which is lost for the sake of Christ. But, O, the regrets of the Esau's of the world who for comfort, riches, worldly success, self-vindication, or anything else, draw back from their dedication to Christ and His gospel. Brethren, at all costs, press on! The end is glorious to those who persevere! -- Joseph Terrell, pastor, Rock Valley, Iowa

True Conversion

When the Word of GOD converts a man, it takes away from him his despair, but it does not take away from him his repentance and sorrow for sin.

True conversion gives a man full pardon from all sin, but does not make him presumptuous. He continually is “coming to Christ.”

True conversion gives a man perfect rest, but does not stop his growth in grace, works of faith and labor of love.

True conversion gives a man security and assurance in Christ, but does not allow him to leave off being watchful. “Keep thine heart, for out of it are the issues of life.”

True conversion gives a man strength and righteousness, but it never lets him boast nor have any confidence in the flesh.

True conversion makes Christian duties, service, worship, and study to be a joy and a pleasure, never burden- some nor grievous, and certainly never considered as a way to find favor with GOD.

True conversion brings a man to live FOR GOD. He does what he does for the glory of GOD. True conversion brings a man to live WITH GOD. He seeks and desires blessed communion with the Redeemer. The most treasured times are those hours of sweet fellowship with Him and His people. – unknown

However men may wrestle and quibble with the Scriptures, one thing is certain: The atonement is no failure! God will not allow that precious and costly sacrifice to fail in accomplishing completely that which it was designed to effect. Not a drop of that Holy Blood was shed in vain. In the last great day there shall stand forth no disappointed and defeated Saviour, but One Who . . . shall see the travail of His soul and shall be satisfied.” -- Arthur Pink

An old timer wrote: “My friend, you may think to live very well without Christ, but death will be unbearable without Him. You are confident and secure at present, but death will destroy your confidence. Your tree is fair and strong now; but when the wind comes, if your root is not in the Rock of Ages, down your tree must come forever. You may think these worldly pleasures and ways of flesh are so good; but when your years increase any you reach the bottom of this poisoned bowl, they will be as bitter as wormwood; and worse that gall shall be the daintiest of your drinks.”

When I read this, I gave thanks to our Lord for delivering us from “THIS BODY OF DEATH through our Lord Jesus Christ,” and old age and death are no longer to be feared but DESIRED; that death is no longer the LOSS of life and joy, but the GAIN of eternal life and glory, While we mourn the temporary absence of our dear loved ones whom the Lord has been pleased to take to glory, we do not sorrow as those who have no hope; for we know, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His people” (Psa. 116:15), and leaving this world and going to be with Christ is the GREATEST BLESSING of all the blessings! – Henry Mahan

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