Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

November 21st 2021

9:30 am ----------------------------------------Man Mocking God – Luke 22:63-71

10:00 am ---------------------------------------Be Thankful Unto Him – Psalm 100


Thank You

I thank the Lord for you and the blessed fellowship around the gospel that He has given us all these years (32). And I thank all of you for your loving, faithful, friendship and support all these years . . . which loving support is now exceedingly generous. You certainly prove the sincerity of your love for our Lord, His gospel, and those who preach it. I thank the Lord for the service of so very many of you to our Lord’s cause, this church, and to me. So many do so much and I am very grateful. In the words of the apostle, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for YOU ALL making request with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now; being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Christ Jesus: even as it is meet for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart…” (Phil.1:3-7). Thank you all again for everything. I love you in Christ.

Rejoice With Thanksgiving -- Maurice Montgomery

A man once said, “The early Christians did not say in dismay, Look what the world has come to; but rather in delight, Look WHOhas come into the world!”

Perhaps we need to be more like those early Christians. While it is impossible for those who walk in the light to ignore or be indifferent toward the “works of darkness,” yet we should fix our hearts upon Zion’s King, the Lord Jesus Christ, and rejoice with thanksgiving that such an One came into this sinful world and performed such an amazing, effectual work of love for those who were His natural enemies.

Let’s Walk With God. – From a sermon by Henry Mahan

There was a man who walked with God and one day he wasn’t, he just walked on into glory. His name was Enoch, he walked with God and one day they couldn’t find him, he walked on to glory. He’d been in the company of the Lord. Gen 5:24

I’m telling you this, now listen to me. Some of the company you keep is not fit for you. Evil companions will corrupt good manners (1 Cor.15:33), and you can account for a lot of your doubts and fears by the company you keep.

People who walk with God walk with life. People who walk with other believers walk with life. They don’t walk with death. I know some of you men and women have to work with these folks, but you don’t have to socialize with them. You socialize with death, you’ll be the one contaminated, not them.

If you put a rotten apple in a barrel with 2 or 3 rotten apples none of them will turn good. If you put a good apple in a barrel with 2 or 3 rotten apples, the rotten ones won’t turn good but the good one will turn bad. The good apples won’t have any effect on rotten but I’ll tell you what the rotten apples will have on the good apples, it will rot them too. I’m saying, come apart and be ye separate, what fellowship hath light with darkness. What fellowship does Baal have with God?

(2 Cor.6:14). Let’s walk with God, and let’s walk with God’s people. Walk in the company of God’s people.

We look to the Lord Jesus Christ and find in him all we need. He supplies all our needs. But I have some things to do for my own encouragement and good.

I need to set my affections on things above. He tells me to do that, set my affections on the throne of grace and to die daily and to hold loosely with these things of the world and to walk with God. And walk with the people of God and those things that are dedicated to God. Walk with those things that comfort and encourage and exhort and edify. Not those things that drain us. There’s nothing like an evil conversation to drain and sap the spirituality out of you. If you hang around covetous people, they’ll drain you. They don’t contribute to you, they take away from you. They don’t contribute to your peace or your rest, they drain you. You say, well I gotta witness to them, well do it and then move on.

A fellow said to me the other day, “You don’t have any friends who are unbelievers, do you?” I said, “I’ve got some people that I care for and love that are unbelievers but I don’t hang around with them. We live in different worlds. I don’t hang around with them cause I know what they’d do to me.”

Lastly, Let me live each day as if it were my last day on earth because there’s a good possibility that it will be.

“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His Name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His Truth endureth to all generations.” – Psalm 100:4-5

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