Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 2021
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

June 20th 2021

9:30 am ---------------------------------------------As In The Days of Noah – Luke 17:22-27

10:00 am ----------------------------------------------- As In The Days of Lot – Luke 17:28-32

Wednesday: 7:00 pm------------------------- Gathered Where the Body Is – Luke 17:33-37

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False Teachers Described and Denounced --2 Timothy 3:6-11

The false teachers described in these verses work after the manner of their father, Satan. As Satan attacked the woman and not the man (the subtle tempter beguiled Eve and not Adam), so these, his instruments, work themselves into the affection of the weaker vessel (1 Tim. 2:14). Every cult, sect and free-will Arminian denomination or church is dominated by women – silly, easily influenced women who like to be told that they are religious, holy and righteous! They reject the gospel of God's free grace and mercy for sinners in Christ, for they are full of the sins of self-righteousness and are led forth by a lust for new teachers, new doctrines and new heights of personal glory.

The exaltation of Mary and the effeminate influence of Catholicism has led women to think that they are morally good and that men are bad! (Rom. 3:10:19.) v. 7. Both the teachers and the captives of their humanistic religions are always learning… driven by restless minds and curiosity, but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth in Christ. They learn about missions, prophecy, heaven, standards of morality and gifts of the Spirit, but never ‘how God can be just and justify the ungodly.’ They reform, but never repent; they pray, but never plead for mercy; they testify, but never turn to Christ; they boast of their faithfulness to religion, but never bow to the lordship of Christ. Without apology, I declare that where women reign in religion, they ruin! (1 Tim. 2:12; 1 Cor. 14:34). – Henry Mahan

And All Flesh Died

“And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, AND EVERY MAN” – Genesis 7:21

The number of them (men) is supposed to be as great, if not greater, than the present inhabitants of the earth, by those who are skillful in the calculation of the increase of men. It is thought it may be easily allowed, that their number amounted to eleven billion; and some have made their number to be 80 billion. – Matthew Henry’s commentary on Genesis chapter 7

Wise To Consider The EndO that they were wise, that they understood this,

that they would consider their latter end! – Deuteronomy 32:29

Do we ever think about our souls at all? Millions of people, I fear, cannot answer that question satisfactorily. They never give the subject of religion any place in their thoughts. From the beginning of the year to the end they are absorbed in the pursuit of business, pleasure, politics, money, or self-indulgence of some kind or another. Death and judgment, eternity, heaven, hell, and a world to come, are never calmly looked at and considered. They live on as if they were never going to die, or rise again, or stand at the bar of God, or receive an eternal sentence! They do not openly oppose religion, for they have not sufficient thoughts about it to do so; but they eat, and drink, and sleep, and get money, and spend money, as if religion was a mere fiction and not a reality. They are neither Roman Catholic, nor Socinians, nor infidels, nor High Church, nor Low Church, nor Broad Church. They are just nothing at all, and do not take the trouble to have opinions. A more senseless and unreasonable way of living cannot be conceived; but they do not pretend to reason about it. They simply never think about God, unless frightened for a few minutes by sickness, death in their families or an accident. Barring such interruptions, they appear to ignore religion altogether, and hold on their way cold and undisturbed, as if there were nothing worth thinking about except this world.

It is hard to imagine a life more unworthy of an immortal creature than such a life as I have just described, for it reduces a man to the level of a beast. But it is literally and truly the life of multitudes in the world; and as they pass away . . . their place is taken by multitudes just like them. – J.C. Ryle

‘Plucked Out of the Burning’ – Amos 4:11

And here I am plucked as a brand out of the burning, sought out by the Lord, a monument of mercy permitted and privileged to proclaim the glorious gospel of the grace of God! Surely there must be a cause! The cause, I tell you, was not in me, for I hated God and religion, but in the Sovereign choice of Jehovah, Who will have mercy on whom He will have mercy (Rom.9:15).

-- Abraham Booth, England, 1734-1806

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