Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

January 10th, 2021

9:30 am ---------------------The Mystery of God & Treasures of Christ – Colossians 2:1-5

10:00 am------------------------------ Jehovah Nissi: The Lord Our Banner – Exodus 17:15

To Our Congregation: Though we tried to thank you all individually, Mindy and I want to thank you collectively for all that you did (and do) for us. Thank you for all the cards and gifts. Thank this church for your generosity to us and support of us both now, and throughout the years. We love you and are thankful for you, and consider it a great blessing to be a part of you and serve you. In the words of scripture, we thank our God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of (ours) for you all making request with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now” – Phil.1:3-5

Sweet, Amazing Manna! – Exodus 16:15

When the Lord rained down manna (bread) from heaven for the murmuring people, they were amazed by it and grateful for it. It tasted of wafers dipped in honey; very sweet to them. But after 40 years, many grew tired of the manna, calling it light bread; and lusted after the delights of Egypt. The Lord Jesus Christ said: “I am the bread from Heaven.”

Jesus Christ is the sweet, amazing bread of God, bread of life, bread from Heaven. What a gift!, what a feast of joy and gladness is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the hungry, sin-sick soul. If anyone begins to lose their hunger for the gospel and is no longer amazed by God’s grace; if anyone grows tired of hearing Christ preached and looks for other things, the delights of this world, the religion of this world; that person will not enter God’s promised land. God is greatly offended, even angry, with those who have no love nor need for His Son . . . those who would rather have leeks and onions than Christ.

“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God, hath not life.” One of the surest signs of life and health is hunger. He that hath a hunger and thirst, a need for and longing for God’s Son, hath life! He that hath no abiding hunger for Christ; no abiding need to hear the gospel, hath not life. Someone who has truly tasted that the Lord is gracious; someone who has eaten the body and drunk of the blood of Christ; someone who has laid hold of the gospel of Christ with all his heart, mind and soul; someone who rejoices in Christ Jesus and Him crucified . . . that person will continue to hunger and thirst for Christ; they will continue to need the gospel; the gospel will still be amazing, yea more amazing to the end. Words of Truth will always be sweet to them; words like, mercy, grace, love, propitiation, justification, sanctification, righteousness, redemption, forgiveness, pardon, salvation! Sweet, sweet words! Manna for a hungry soul. If it is so with you, be of good cheer! ? If not, be alarmed!

A Sad But Evident Fact– by Maurice Montgomery

Down through the years there have been many men and women who have heard the truth, and have apprehended the truth, but who have never been apprehended by the truth. They have “gotten hold of the truth,” but the truth has never “gotten hold of them!”

This is evidenced by the fact that they are able to compromise the truth or turn away from it completely. I have seen some turn from the truth of God to fables and commandments of men (II Tim. 4:4; Titus 1:14). Others I have seen turn the grace of our God into lasciviousness, denying the power of God and His grace in the believer’s heart (Jude 4). Still others, like Demas, I have observed going altogether back to this present, evil world (II Tim. 4:10). It would have been much better for them had they never had the privilege of hearing the gospel, than to have heard it and turned away from it (II Peter 2:20-22).

Concerning the truth; that is, the salvation of guilty, hell-deserving sinners by Jesus Christ, there is not the slightest doubt in my mind (and heart) but that what I believe, confess and preach (what we believe) is the truth of Scripture. We have “gotten hold” of that truth, and thus far, by the grace of God, have not been able to compromise or turn away from it. That is because the truth has “gotten hold” of our souls. Christ crucified is no mere doctrine to us. HE IS OUR LIFE!

“Keep us Lord, O keep us cleaving

To Thyself, and still believing.”

Ye Are Not Your Own – 1 Cor.6:19

We are not our own; therefore, neither our reason nor our will should dominate our plans and actions. We are not our own; therefore, let us not make the gratification of our flesh our end. We are not our own; therefore, as much as possible, let us forget ourselves and our own interests. We are God’s. Therefore let us live and die to Him. We are God’s. Therefore, let His wisdom and His will govern our actions. We are the Lord’s. Therefore, let us . . . in every way in all our lives . . . run to Him as our only proper end. – John Calvin

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