Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

October 11th, 2020

9:30 am &hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;&h ellip ;&hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;. Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit – Luke 12:10

10:00 am ………Loins Girt, Lights Burning, Waiting & Watching – Luke 12:35-40

Wednesday: 7:00 pm …………… Our Heart’s Prayer & Desire – Colossians 1:9-18

Workday . . . Saturday, October 24th . . . to prepare for our meeting.

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

“Watchman, What of the Night?” – Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night? The watchman said, “The morning cometh, and also the night: if ye will inquire, inquire ye: return, come.” – Isaiah 21:11-12

OF late years there has been a very visible decline, and a night is coming on, which we are entered into; the

shadows of the evening are stretching out apace of us, and the signs of the eventide are very manifest, and will

shortly appear yet more and more. Coldness and indifference in spiritual things is upon us; a want of affection to God, Christ, His people, truths and ordinances, may be easily observed. The first love is left; iniquity abounds, and the love of many waxes cold; and it will wax yet colder and colder, and will issue in a general forsaking of assembling together, and in an entire neglect of the ministers of the gospel; when such who have been professors themselves will be shy of them, an carefully shun them. – John Gill, 1855

A Fallen Saint -- "Peter went out and wept bitterly." -Lk.22:62

Peter had sat in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. He had walked on the water to go to Him. He had lived in the full assurance that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God. "We believe and are sure," he said, "That thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God," the words of blood redemption had gone to Peter's heart from the very lips of Jesus Christ Himself (Jh.6:68). Peter had seen the power of the Lord when he spoke to the raging waves of the sea and stilled them - the Lord Jesus saved Peter's life that day, and Peter knew it too.

Now this same Peter has denied the Lord he loved and believed - even cursed and swore he never knew him. Look at him now as he goes off in the darkness sobbing as he goes. Imagine the guilt and fear that weighed upon his afflicted

conscience? Imagine the suggestions from Satan, the prince of darkness, saying to him, "There is no hope for you now". Only those who have experienced such a thing know how Satan can work with a guilty conscience to drive it to despair.

I am sure Peter thought, as many have since, "There is no way out of this dilemma I find myself in." A poor soul like this can despair of ever being recovered. He sank in deep mire where there was no standing. I will tell you this, if Jesus Christ does not make intercession for such a person and strengthen his faith, and send some light into his darkness, Satan will sift him. Those who dream they are a match for Satan's accusations are ignorant of his devices.

Does our Lord Jesus know all this? Of course he knows. His intercession had already secured Peter, not from falling but from falling away. Not from bitter weeping but from final despair. Peter had a sad and fearful fall, but he had a fearless and faithful Advocate with the Father. Peter fell, but just about the time the enemy began to rejoice over him, he rose up again - forgiven and restored.

Dear fallen saint, don't despair. Maybe you see no way in your present darkness to be restored, but Jesus Christ can see for you, He is the way. Look out of your wet eyes to him. Your heart is aching but the Lord Jesus feels it. Trust him. Wait upon him. Your weeping may endure for a night, but joy will come in the morning. –Bruce Crabtree

The Messenger of Death

Death, dear Christian, is a messenger to you. ‘Come, says God; you have toiled long enough; you have feared long enough; you have groaned long enough; your warfare is accomplished; enter into the rest which the Lord your God giveth you. Come, for all things are now ready.’

Yes, you will soon hear the voice saying, ‘O Israel, you must this day go over Jordan. And why should you be unwilling to exchange the desert for the land flowing with milk and honey? Is not this the purpose of your travels; the end of your desires; the completion of your hopes?’

“But the swelling river rolls between.” Fear not; the ark of the covenant will go before you and divide the waves, and you shall pass over dry-shod. And then let the streams reunite, and continue to flow on; you will not wish them to reopen for your return. What is misery to others is joy to you. “I shall go the way whence I shall not return.” -- William Jay

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