Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2020
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

June 14th 2020

10:00 am --------------------------------------------Message by Cody Henson

Welcome brother Cody Henson. It’s good to have Cody back to preach to us. For any visitor, brother Cody is from Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church, Kingsport, Tennessee, where brother Gabe Stalnaker is pastor.

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

Strange But True

When the true gospel is preached, those lost in religion and in the world will accuse those who preach it of speaking strange things. I have been accused of that many times. Sadly, the Gospel is “strange doctrine” to those who don’t know God. When Paul preached the gospel on Mar’s Hill in Athens to those overly religious (superstitious) men, they said, “Thou bringest strange things to our ears, we would know therefore what these things mean.” (Acts 17:20) They said of Paul, “He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods: because he preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection.” (Acts 17:18) You tell folks the truth about God and they will claim that you set forth strange gods.

I’m sure that it is strange to most that God does not love everybody, and Christ did not die for everybody, and the Holy Spirit does not call and draw everyone to be saved, only those whom God chose and gave to Christ before the foundation of the world. (Ephesians 1:4) I suppose it is strange to the unbeliever that God, in the person of Jesus Christ, would come into the world to save undeserving sinners by dying the just for the unjust to bring them to God. (1 Timothy 1:15, 1 Peter 3:18) To me this gives strong proof to that old saying that I have often heard, “strange but true.” – David Eddmenson

Your Treasure -- “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” -- Matthew 6: 21

Your treasure may not be the same as your neighbor’s, but my friend, it is yours whether you actually possess it or not—because you love it! Because your heart is set or fixed upon it. Whether it be things in heaven or things in earth, the heart going out to grasp and embrace them makes those things your treasure. If I may be permitted to turn these words around, “For where your heart is, there is your treasure.”

I realize that the heart of fallen man is “deceitful above all things” (Jeremiah 17: 9), but there is no excuse for a man to be surprised at the Day of Judgment (Matthew 7: 22, 23; 22: 12; 25: 1 – 13). For while we may not be able to recognize all of the deceitful inclinations, promptings and motivations of our sinful hearts, and while we may be deceived about why we are doing this or that—we do know what we do! And “the tree is known by his fruit” (Matthew 12: 33).

Brothers and Sisters, I often think of you with prayerful concern as you go out five of six days a week to scratch out a sustenance for your families. I know something of the mental and physical burdens you have to bear and of the vile and disrespectful people you often have to work with or do business with. I’m no “novice” (I Timothy 3: 6). I’ve been there, and I know how distracting, trying and deadening an influence these things can be upon the spirituality of a Christian.

What has this to do with the heart and one’s treasure? Just this: when your day is finished, your week is ended, and you are free from your vocation—what then engages your thoughts?--and your heart? And with whom do you spend your free time? When you free the reins on a horse, it will take the most direct route home, and when let loose in the pasture, it will choose the company of other horses above cows, goats or pigs. A horse acts instinctively, but a man follows his heart—to his treasure! -- Maurice Montgomery

What Happened In The Garden? – by Henry Mahan

We won't make much headway in finding a solution if we do not understand the problem. A cure is not likely to be found if we have no knowledge of the disease. In the matter of salvation the problem is man's sin; the solution is God's grace. The disease is moral depravity and spiritual inability; the remedy is God's mercy in Christ. If a man is near-sighted, he only needs corrective glasses but if he is blind, he needs the miracle of sight! If a man is sick, he only needs medicinal aid, but if he is dead, he needs the miracle of life! If man has only strayed from the way, he needs directions, but if he is completely lost, he needs to be found! Here is the question to be settled by preachers and people "What happened in the garden?" When one feels obliged to come to some conclusions on the subjects of election, irresistible grace and particular redemption, it would be wise for him to first determine the condition of the sinner who is to be saved. If man was only wounded by the fall he needs assistance; if he is dead in sins, he needs to be resurrected and that by the purpose and power of the God of life. If fallen man still has his moral ability and power of choice, then let us wait for him to choose and seek God, but if he loves darkness and will not come to Christ then Christ must love and come to him.

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