Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

November 17th 2019

9:30 am ----------------------------------Christ Commending His Preacher – Luke 7:24-30

10:00 am ----------------------------------------The Great Shepherd of the Sheep – Psalm 23

Message to Hear: ‘Go Thy Way Til The End’ -- https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=12210817303


I am scheduled to preach tonight in Kingsport. No Wednesday service. Mindy and I are meeting the Eddmensons for a little get-away in Pigeon Forge, TN . . . a gift from a grateful hearer (a dear, elect lady) to two preachers and their wives. We are grateful to her.

Birthdays: December 1st – John Sheesley & Dan Parks, 9th – Andrew Polk

Cleaning: Canterburys, Next Week: Polks / / / Nursery:

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,


There is not one heart alive that does not need to be prepared to worship, to enter into the presence of God, and to hear the Word of God for this hour. We would do well to rise a little earlier, to read the Scriptures, and to arrive at the house of God in time to get our greetings over with and prepare to worship the King in an attentive and prayerful fashion.

During the sermon, with the open Bible before us, we should give the most sincere attention to the minister. Let our eyes, ears, and thoughts be directed to the message not to those about us. The birds of night use every subtle means to rob us of the life-giving seed. A crying infant, a late comer, a sleeping companion, a slip of the tongue by one who speaks any and all things are used to make one turn attention from the Word.

And I am certain that many serious impressions have been lost through the idle chit-chat and foolish talk after the sermon. We feel that we must talk, and I suppose that we must, for we cannot stand around and stare at one another. Love and fellowship must be expressed. But wouldn't it be more profitable for us to direct our conversation toward the message, the Scriptures, the mercies and blessings of God in Christ? That our hearts not wander from spiritual impressions made by the Word!

We desire the preaching of the gospel to make men glad. We want them to rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh. However, if the Lord is not pleased to make them glad, let them get mad. Let the gospel strip them of their righteousness, offend their pride, and impugn their dignity. At least then we know they’ve heard something. – Greg Elmquist

Rolfe Barnard once told a young preacher named Henry Mahan, “Preach for a verdict. Preach so that men will hear what you are saying and go away mad, sad or glad.”

“The Hearer I Appreciate” ~ John Hall

1. One who prays for the preacher and for the blessings of the Lord on the congregation which is meeting that day.

2. One who is punctually in his pew with his family beside him.

3. One who has his Bible open and who devoutly follows the scriptures read as hearing God speaking to him.

4. One who takes a hymnbook and joins in the praise of the Lord as earnestly as does the leader of the singing.

5. One who in his heart joins in the prayer time.

6. One who remembers that we are in the presence of God and bears himself with reverence of manner and


7. One who looks for Christ and grace in the sermon and not for rhetoric, elocution, and clever statements.

8. One who listens, takes the message to himself, and has a comment afterward regarding the subject.

9. One who has a look and a word of Christian greeting for those near him in the church after the service.

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