Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

September 8th 2019

9:30 am &hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;&h ellip ;&hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;.& helli p;Jud ge Not, Condemn Not, Forgive – Luke 6:37-45

10:00 am &hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;&h ellip ;&hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;.& helli p; Good News For Children – 1 John 2:12

Wednesday: 7:00 pm &hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;&h ellip ;&hel lip;C hrist , The Solid Rock – Luke 6:46-49

Birthdays: 8th – Mac Torrence, 15th – Helen Canterbury & Tom Polk

Message to Hear: By Gabe Stalnaker -- https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=13182036386

The Lord willing, Mindy and I will be leaving Thursday for an extended 40th anniversary trip. Next Sunday, brother Eric Floyd will be here to preach to you.

If God Be Our God -- “I Am The LORD Thy God…” – Exodus 20:2

What is implied by God being our God? It is comprehensive of all good things. God is our strong tower; our fountain of living water; our salvation. More particularly, being our God implies the sweetest relations.

(1) The relation of a father. ‘I will be a Father unto you;’ 2 Cor 6: 18. A father is full of tender care for his child. Upon whom does he settle the inheritance but his child? God being our God, will be a father to us; a ‘Father of mercies,’ 2 Cor 1: 3; ‘The everlasting Father.’ Isa 9: 6. If God be our God, we have a Father in heaven that never dies.

(2) It imports the relation of a husband. ‘Thy Maker is thine husband.’ Isa 54: 5. If God be our husband, he esteems us precious to him, as the apple of his eye. Zech 2: 8. He imparts his secrets to us. Psa 25: 14. He bestows a kingdom upon us for our dowry. Luke 12: 32.

If God be our God, then though we may feel the stroke of evil, yet not the sting. He must needs be happy who is in such a condition, that nothing can hurt him. If he lose his name, it is written in the book of life; if he lose his liberty, his conscience is free; if he lose his estate, he is possessed of the pearl of price; if he meets with storms, he knows where to put in for harbour; God is his God, and heaven is his heaven.

If God be our God, our soul is safe, as in a garrison. Death can do no more hurt to a virtuous heaven-born soul, than David did to Saul, when he cut off the skirt of his garment. The soul is safe, being hid in the promises; hid in the wounds of Christ; hid in God’s decree. The soul is the pearl, and heaven is the cabinet where God will lock it up safe.

If God be our God, then all that is in God is ours. The Lord says to a saint in covenant, as the king of Israel to the king of Syria, ‘I am thine, and all that I have.’ 1 Kings 20: 4. So saith God, ‘I am thine:’ how happy is he who not only inherits the gift of God, but inherits God himself! All that I have shall be thine; my wisdom shall be thine to teach thee; my power shall be thine to support thee; my mercy shall be thine to save thee. God is an infinite ocean of blessedness, and there is enough in him to fill us: as if a thousand vessels were thrown into the sea, there is enough in the sea to fill them.

If God be our God, he will entirely love us. Property is the ground of love. God may give men kingdoms, and not love them; but he cannot be our God, and not love us. He calls his covenanted saints, Jediduth Naphshi, ‘The dearly beloved of my soul.’ Jer 12: 7. He rejoiceth over them with joy, and rests in his love. Zeph 3: 17. They are his refined silver (Zech 13: 9); his jewels (Mal 3: 17); his royal diadem (Isa 62: 3). He gives them the cream and flower of his love. He not only opens his hand and fills them, but opens his heart and fills them. Psa 145: 16. -- by Thomas Watson (continued in next week’s bulletin)

A Dead Dog Sinner

Upon arriving to services one Wednesday evening, to my surprise, there was an old, mangy, rejected and forsaken dog sitting on the front porch of the church building. I was appalled and repulsed at the dog’s sad appearance and horrible condition. This poor creature was in bad shape, yet all I can remember thinking was, “I wish this dog would go away.” I am so grateful that when my merciful, gracious and compassionate Savior looked upon me that His attitude was not like mine. May God be pleased to give me the attitude of Mephibosheth who said, “What is thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?” (2 Samuel 9:8) In as bad a shape as that poor dog appeared in my sight, how much worse do I, a DEAD DOG sinner appear in God’s? “Precious Lord, how merciful, thou art to me.” -- David Eddmenson

Love & Friendship -- “A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” – Proverbs 17:19

The Lord Jesus Christ is the “friend of sinners”, Who loved His own before the world began, loved them while they were yet sinners, and loves them to the end. Christ is the Son of God and the firstborn among many brethren. He is the Elder Brother Who was born for adversity; born to bear the sin of God’s people. He is that Friend that sticketh closer than a brother. He will never forsake His friends and brothers. May we be the same friend and brother to our brethren, loving them in the depth of their sins, and actively, fervently¸ loving them in when they need it most, when they are experiencing great adversity and trouble.

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