Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2019
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

April 14th . 2019

9:30 am -------------------------------------------------------------Repentance & It’s Fruits – Luke 3:3-18

10:00 am -------------------------------------------------A Preacher, A Seeker, A Saviour – Acts 8:26-40

Birthdays: April 14th – Wesley Hudson, 17th – Betty Groover & Emma Holland, 21st – Jennifer Holland

22nd – Rick Kess & Andrew Montgomery, 30th – Red Huff & Hope Montgomery

Cleaning: Teresa, Bonnie, Aimee / Saturday 27th – Spring Cleaning / / / Nursery: Margaret / Jill


“Amen” is a good scriptural word. Whether it is said audibly, or silently in the heart, it is expressive of worship. I realize it is a horribly abused term by most religious people. Be that as it may, it is still a good scriptural word. It means, “Let it be so,” or “so be it.” It is used primarily in the Bible to express these four things. First, it is the desire of the heart. “Behold I come quickly; Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus.”By saying “Amen” we say, “Lord, let it be so.” Secondly, it signifies the affirmation of our faith. We only say Amen to what we really believe to be true. Thirdly, “Amen” expresses the joy of our hearts. When we hear some truth that exalts our Redeemer, we say with a heart overflowing with joy, “Amen.” Fourthly, it is sometimes used in Scripture as a resolution. We mean, “I resolve by God’s strength to make it so, or to do it.” Don’t let the fact that this word is abused by insincere religionists take away its meaning. It really does not matter whether you use the word silently or audibly. All that matters is that it comes from the depths of your heart. Remember how our Lord taught us to end our prayer. “Amen.” We say by that, this is actually what we desire, what we believe to be true, what rejoices our hearts, and what we resolve by God’s grace to do. “Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen” – copied

Predestination -- “ Having predestinated us . . .” ( Ephesians 1:5,11 - Romans 8:29,30 )

The blessed word of truth, ‘predestination’, is recorded in God’s word 4 times. Each time it concerns God’s elect people, how that God has predetermined their destiny . . . that they be like Christ and be with Christ. Everything about them and every single event in their lives has been predetermined by the Lord . . . down to the very hairs of their head. Unbelievers do not like God’s predestination, but all true believers do. Unbelievers do not like God’s sovereign predestination because it takes man’s destiny out of his hands. That is precisely why God’s people love it. It takes their destiny out of their hands and puts it into the hands of their sovereign Lord, and that is exactly where they want it to be. David’s peace and comfort were in the God who had ‘ordered all things’ concerning him. Paul’s personal comfort and his encouragement to us, was in the God Who ‘worketh all things after the counsel of His own will . . . all things for good . . . to the called according to His purpose.” What peace or comfort is there in a god who does not want certain things to happen yet they do anyway? You can have that god. I need a God Who is God; a God Who has me and this world in His hands, under His absolute control. I can say with Eli, no matter what comes, ‘It is the Lord.’ I can go to sleep at night. I can rest in Him, for He hath said, “All power is given unto me in Heaven and in earth.” Though I do not understand everything He does, yet I believe that He does all things and He does them right. Someday I will know as I’ve been known and I will see clearly what I believe with all my heart now . . . that my God doeth all things . . He doeth them well; and whatever it may be, it had to be, or it wouldn’t be. Amen. (so be it)

A Tree That Cumbereth the Ground --“Behold these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none:

cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground?” -- Luke 13:7

The Lord Jesus Christ said: “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples” (John 15:8). The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.” He that beareth these things (as a tree that has fruit hanging on it) glorifies the Lord. And like a fruit bearing tree, this fruit is for the use of others. We glorify our Lord by being of some service and benefit to others. On the other hand, that person who lives only for self, like a fruitless tree, cumbereth the ground. A tree that cumbereth the ground is one that takes from the ground and gives nothing in return. It is a taker, not a giver, living only for self. The Lord said, “Cut it down!”

O’ may we not be takers, but rather givers! Freely have we received, may we freely give. We who have received the gospel, may we give it out or tell it. We who have been shown so much mercy, may we be merciful. We who have received so much grace, may we be very gracious. We who have received so much love, may we be very loving. We who have been forgiven so much, may we readily forgive. We who have been shown such patience, may we be patient with others. We who have received so much goodness, may we show much goodness. We who have been treated so kindly by our Lord, may we show much kindness. We who have been made rich through our Lord’s poverty, may we give back to the Lord and be generous to others. O’ let it not be said; “Cut it down, why cumbereth it the ground?”

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