Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

December 30th . 2018

9:30 am ------------------------------A Closing Command & Prayer – 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18

10:00 am ------------------------------------------------ A Last Day, New Year Prayer – Psalm 90

Birthdays: December: 30th – Polly Peters (60th), 31st – Kathryn Polk / January: 11th – Lauren Parks

Cleaning: Rick & Janine, Next Week: Mike & Karen / / / Nursery: Hope / Mary

The Watchman

EVERY prophet in the Old Testament warned the people of the many false prophets all around. They called them out and pointed them out to the people. The apostles in the New Testament did the same; naming names and warning the people. Paul said, “I ceased not to warn every one night and day” (for grievous wolves shall enter -Acts 20:28-31). The Lord Himself, that Great and Faithful Shepherd and Keeper of the sheep . . . constantly warned the people of the many wolves all around, saying, ‘Beware of Scribes, Pharisees, HYPOCRITS (actors, and good ones at that), “which come to you in sheep’s clothing.” Scripture says of the last days, that “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.”

Scripture speaks much of the ‘watchman’ . . . which is the preacher. He is called a ‘shepherd’ (bishop, pastor) and watchman, because he is always to be feeding, leading, and watching over the sheep. He is to keep a constant vigil, a constant lookout for the enemy of the sheep, which enemy(s) are many and powerful. The sheep do not always know the enemy for the enemy comes in ‘sheep’s clothing.’ Therefore the watchman must have a discerning eye and ear, always on the lookout for the foe. It is his job to warn the flock of the approaching enemy. “Son of man, I have made thee a WATCHMAN unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and GIVE THEM WARNING FROM ME’ (Ezek.3:17). Although some may think him too hard, even harsh at times; the lover of God’s glory and men’s souls must warn, must cry out! He must! He must! . . . “For they watch for your souls, as they that must give account”(Heb.13:17).

My pastor was once confronted by a man who thought him to be too hard , too loud, too often denouncing preachers, too urgent or something, and my pastor very sternly said to him; ‘that’s the reason I am in the pulpit and you are not.’

Read and try to imagine the preaching of the prophets to the people who were about to be taken captive to Babylon. Tell me if you do not hear them vehemently crying and warning the people. Read and try to imagine John the Baptist preaching to that mass of soon to be Christ killers. Read and try to imagine the preaching of the apostles at Pentecost, as they cried out to that multitude of Christ rejecting, religious formalists (which preaching struck fear in thousands). Surely Simon Peter cried aloud with great urgency, “Save your selves from this untoward generation!” Read and try to imagine the preaching of the Lord Himself (Who knew with certainty the coming destruction of Jerusalem and the world); listen to His loud cries; “Woe unto thee Chorazin, Bethsaida” . . . “O’ Jerusalem, Jerusalem” . . . “Ho, everyone that thirsteth!” Read and try to imagine the sound of His voice . . . the power, the urgency, the seriousness, as He warned: “As in the days of Noah . . . when they shall say peace, and safety, then SUDDEN DESTRUCTION.” Try to imagine the Lord’s voice as He cried with a loud voice from the cross, “IT IS FINISHED!!” Heaven, earth and hell heard His cry!

The Foe is a formidable one. He is crafty, wily, wise in the ways of evil, a master of human nature, more powerful than any human, subtle in all his ways, and completely hidden from the human eye. No mere man is able to detect him or resist him. His master deception has always been to disguise himself as friend, not foe; an angel, not a devil; one who brings another gospel of peace, prosperity, and the good life . . . when he intends war, destruction, and death. He deceived the wisest woman on earth. Surely he portrayed himself to her as gentle, kind, and good. Surely she must have thought; ‘that Lucifer is such a nice man, so kind, so caring, never harsh, always smiling . . . and so handsome . . . I sure like his message of free-will.’

Scripture speaks of those who ‘speak evil of dignities’, that is, men who call themselves preachers and boast of their prowess over the devil and in ‘great swelling words’ tell you how they have defeated the devil and how you may defeat him; when all the while they themselves are held captive by him. These ‘seers’ are in fact, blinded by Satan, and are blind leaders of the blind. Without doubt, the Adversary’s greatest deception is to preach, ‘peace, peace, when there is no peace’, but rather, danger! And so the Adversary keeps the people asleep, in a false sense of carnal security, sending his ‘ministers of righteousness’ (supposedly); sending his ‘prophets of lies’, with the constant message of peace, and prosperity. These men are supposed to be watchmen, but the Lord calls them ‘dumb dogs’ (hence the degree behind their names, D.D.). “His watchmen are blind, they are all ignorant, they are DUMB DOGS, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough . . .” (Isa.56:10-11). What good is a dog that will not bark? He is certainly no ‘watch-dog.’ What good is a preacher that will not warn, lift up his voice and awaken the people to danger? The more real and present the danger the more urgent will be the preacher. And we are, without doubt, in the last days and perilous times.

If someone is in a burning building . . . if it were your child, would you raise your voice? Would you be animated? Would you be ashamed of crying too loudly and disturbing their sleep? Only those who are asleep do not want to be disturbed. But those who realize something of the danger and have a very real fear; for themselves, their children, their friends and neighbors; they, only they, are truly thankful for the warning and thankful for the watchman.

And so we often cry aloud! We lift up the voice with strength! We cry, “All flesh is grass!! . . . all is perishing!! We cry, “Behold your God!!’ … Behold the Lamb . . . Behold Thy King Cometh . . . Quickly!! Repent!, Bow! Believe! Come! The time is short! It is an old fashioned, out of fashion, yet urgent message of life or death that needs to be heard, must be heard . . . TODAY, IF YOU WILL HEAR HIS VOICE!

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