Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

November 4th 2018

9:30 am --------------------------Living Unto The Lord, Trying Not To Offend – Romans 14

10:00 am ----------------------------------------------------------The Word Made Flesh – John 1


Our meeting with brother David Eddmenson begins this Friday night. Everyone come. Brother David is coming a long way and has spent long hours preparing, so come. These meetings are for you. Let nothing and no one keep you from this blessed and profitable time.

We need more ladies to sign up to bring food. Please look at the food sign-up sheets downstairs and sign on.

Birthdays: November 8th – Kevin Berry, 13th – Aimee Poff / Cleaning: Debra / Next - Canterburys

“Until sin be bitter, Christ will not be sweet . . . The more bitterness we taste in sin, the more sweetness we shall taste in Christ.” ― Thomas Watson

New Testament Precepts: The Believer’s Rule of Life

“ He that hath My commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me . . .” – John 14:21

“ For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments: and His commandments are not grievous.” – 1 Jn.5:3

Were there no precepts (commands) in the New Testament, we would be without an inspired rule of life, without an authoritative guide for our walk and conduct before the Church and the world. We rightly discard and reject the 'law of Moses' as the believer's rule of life. What, then, is our rule? Are we a set of lawless wretches who may live as we desire, according to the libelous charge of the enemies of truth? God forbid! We have a divine, authoritative rule of life, a code of directions of the amplest, fullest, minutest character, intended and sufficient to regulate and control every thought, word, and action of our lives; and all flowing from the eternal wisdom and will of the Father, sealed and ratified by the blood of the Son, and inspired and revealed by the Holy Spirit.

When, then, it is thrown in our teeth that, by discarding the 'law of Moses' as our rule of life, we prove ourselves licentious, lawless Antinomians, this is our answer, and let God and his word decide whether it be not a sufficient one. ‘Not so!’ We have a rule of life as far exceeding the 'law of Moses' as the new covenant of grace and truth in the glorious Person of the Son of God exceeds and outshines the old covenant of works; and as much as the ministration of the Spirit, of life, and of righteousness excels in glory the ministration of the letter, of death, and of condemnation. (2 Cor. 3:6-11.) In a word, the precepts of the New Testament, in all their fullness, minuteness, and comprehensiveness, are our rule of life. -- J.C. Philpot

Christ is a Strong Saviour – by Richard Sibbes, The Bruised Reed (1577-1635)

Christ will not leave us till He has made us like Himself, all glorious within and without, and presented us blameless before His Father (Jude 24). What a comfort this is in our conflicts with our unruly hearts, that it shall not always be thus! Let us strive a little while, and we shall be happy forever. Let us think when we are troubled with our sins that Christ has this in charge from His Father, that He shall not ‘quench the smoking flax’ until He has subdued all. This puts a shield into our hands to beat back ‘all the fiery darts of the wicked’ (Eph. 6:16). Satan will object, ‘You are a great sinner.’ We may answer, ‘Christ is a strong Saviour.’ But Satan will object, ‘You have no faith, no love.’ We reply: ‘Yes, a spark of faith and love.’ Satan says: ‘But Christ will not regard that.’ We answer: ‘Yes, He will not quench the smoking flax.’ Satan says: ‘But this is so little and weak that it will vanish and come to naught.’ We reply: “Nay, but Christ will cherish it, until He has brought judgment to victory.'

Hear The Word Of The LORD! -- Ezekiel 37:4

All error and eternal damnation comes from hearing and heeding the words of men. There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end is always destruction. God’s ways are not our ways, and God’s thoughts are not our thoughts. So if we search the words of men for answers to the questions of salvation and redemption we will only stay confused; we will never be settled on what the truth actually is; and we will never find peace, rest, and contentment. A true, God called preacher will only repeat to you: “The word of the LORD.” The only hope we have is to “Hear Him!” The only word that will “Stand forever” is His word. A saving faith in Christ comes “by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” So, “Let God be true, but every man a liar!” -- Gabe Stalnaker

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