Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: [email protected]

October 7th. 2018

9:30 am Bible Study

10:00 am Worship--------------------------------------------Messages by Walter Pendleton

Wednesday: 7:00 pm Worship ------------------------------A Bruised Reed & Smoking Flax – Matthew 12:14-21

Welcome brother Walter Pendleton and Penny back with us. Brother Walter is from Sovereign Grace Chapel of Crow, West Virginia. He will be bringing both messages to you today. I am preaching for Lincolnwood Baptist Church, Houston, Texas, David Pledger, pastor. Pray for brother Walter, for me, and for all who preach and teach the Word today.

Birthdays: October: 18th – Joshua Montgomery, 24th – Rebecca Kess, 28th – Karen Anderson

Cleaning: This Week: Parks, Next Week: Ogles / / / Nursery: Aimee/Teresa

Only One Name

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” -- Acts 4:12

I have no name to come to God in but Christ. My own name is abominable to myself, and deservedly hateful in heaven. No other Name is given under heaven, but that of Jesus Christ, in which a sinner may safely approach unto God. Since the Father is well pleased with this Name, and the Son commands me to ask in It, and the Holy Ghost hath brought this Name to me, and made It as ointment poured forth, and since Its savour hath reached my soul, I will try to lift It up as incense to perfume the altar and throne above; since all that ever come in this place are welcome, I will come also, having no plea but Christ's Name, no covering but His borrowed and gifted robe of righteousness. I need nothing, I will ask nothing, but what His blood hath bought (and all that, I will ask); I will expect answers of peace and acceptance only in that blessed Beloved; Beloved of the Father, both as His Son and our Saviour, and Beloved of all that ever saw but a little of His grace and glory.

-- Robert Trail, Scotland(1642-1716)

The Mercy Of An Infinite God -- by Richard Sibbes, England (1577 – 1635)

“‘He will not quench the smoking wick or flax.’(Isa.42:3). It adds strength to faith for us to consider that all expressions of

love issue from nature in Christ, which is constant. God knows that, as we are prone to sin, so, when conscience is thoroughly awakened, we are prone to despair for sin. And therefore He would have us know that He setteth Himself in the covenant of grace to triumph in Christ over the greatest evils and enemies we fear, and that His thoughts are not as our thoughts are, and that He is God and not man, and that there are heights, and depths, and breadths of mercy in Him above all the depths of our sin and misery, and that we should never be in such a forlorn condition, wherein there should be ground of despair, considering our sins be the sins of men and His mercy the mercy of an infinite God. But though it be a truth clearer than the sunbeams, that a broken-hearted sinner ought to embrace mercy so strongly enforced, yet there is no truth that the heart shutteth itself more against than this, especially in sense of misery, when the soul is fittest for mercy, until the Holy Spirit sprinkleth the conscience with the blood of Christ, and sheddeth His love into the heart, so that the blood of Christ in the conscience may cry louder than the guilt of sin. For only God’s Spirit can raise the conscience with comfort above guilt, because He only is greater than the conscience. Men may speak comfort, but it is Christ’s Spirit that can only comfort.”

"It Shall Be Well With The Righteous"-- Isaiah 3:10

In spiritual things, all your temptations, all your darkness, all your wanderings God will overrule. It shall be well with you. There shall never be a night, but that morning shall come; there shall never be a day of trouble, but a day of prosperity shall follow; there shall never be an emptying, but there shall be a filling; there shall never be a bringing down, but that He will raise you up again. Let it be either darkness or light, sorrow or grief, night or day, life or death, time or eternity, "it shall be well with the righteous." -- Scott Richardson

God knoweth we have nothing in ourselves, therefore in the covenant of grace, He requireth no more than He giveth, and giveth what He requireth, and accepteth what He giveth. – Richard Sibbes

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