Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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SUNDAY, JULY 29, 2018
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

July 29th . 2018

9:30 am ------------------------------------------The Word of Faith – Romans 10:4-11

10:00 am -----------------------------------------Call and Be Saved – Romans 10:12-21

Birthdays: August: 1st – Joseph Parks, 2nd – Doris Mahan & Tom Canterbury, 4th – Laura Bobbitt, 6th – Abby Hudson

7th – Bonnie Stanley, 13th – John Sheesley Jr. 19th – Henry Mahan

Cleaning: This Week: Pendrys, Next Week: Fannins / / / Nursery Today: Debra (first) Helen (second)

Listen to WYTI Radio, 1570 AM - 104.5 FM, Sundays 8:00 am

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch Website: www.centralgracechurch.com

“Turn Away Mine Eyes From Beholding Vanity” – Psalm 119:37

The following hymn was written by Isaac Watts with the above verse in mind. Brother Watts was an English preacher and hymn writer, several of which we have in our book, all of them we sing. The words of the preacher in Ecclesiastes begins and ends with this sobering reminder, “Vanity of vanity, all is vanity.” Vanity means empty, unfulfilling, unable to satisfy; and so useless to try and get any lasting good from it. In fact, it is all deceiving. We are easily deceived into thinking that we can get any lasting peace, joy, happiness or pleasure from anything. ALL IS VANITY! What a good hymn our brother has written for us (one of many from Gadsby’s). Almost this whole page is taken up by it. It is worth reading, singing, and pondering.

How vain are all things here below;

How false, and yet how fair!

Each pleasure has its poison too,

And every sweet a snare.

The brightest things below the sky

Give but a flattering light;

We should expect some danger nigh,

When we possess delight.

Our dearest joys, and dearest friends,

The partners of our blood,

How they divide our wavering minds,

And leave but half for God!

The fondness of a creature’s love,

How strong it strikes the sense!

Thither the warm affections move,

Nor can we call them thence.

Dear Saviour, let Thy beauties be

My soul’s eternal food;

And grace command my heart away

From all created good.

Love Covereth

‘He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.’ – Proverbs 17:9

If you truly love someone you do not rejoice in their sins or failures, nor do you want others to know about them. You do not want to talk about them, nor want others to talk about them, but want it all gone and forgotten. That is exactly the way the Lord loves His people and demands that we love them. So if we talk critically or judgmentally of our brothers, we are sinning against God and being divisive, sewing discord, and separating friends, which the Lord hates. Someone wisely said, that before we repeat a matter, ask yourself these questions; Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Is it true? Do we know it to be a fact; did we hear it, see it? Is it kind? Is what I am saying about someone courteous and kind, with love and understanding? Is it necessary that I tell this to someone else? Is it good for the one I am talking about and good for the one who hears it? If we talk by this rule it might eliminate all gossip (for that’s all it is). He is no friend who talks badly to others of you. But he is a friend, who covers your faults and will not talk critically of you.

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