Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2018
Posted by: Central Grace Church | more..
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

June 24th 2018

9:30 am --------------------------------------If God Be For Us? – Romans 8:28-39

10:00 am ---------------------------------------------Sovereign Mercy – Romans 9

Birthdays: June 24th – Patrick Holland, 25th -- Walter Groover, July 6th – Winna Groover, 9th – Margaret Torrence

Cleaning: Dan & Jill / / / Nursery: Teresa

Listen to WYTI Radio, 1570 AM - 104.5 FM, Sundays 8:00 am

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch Website: www.centralgracechurch.com

Discerning True Doctrine – John Brine, 1750

How may we know that any doctrine is of the true grace of God? I answer:

If it exalts the glory of the grace of God as the sole and entire cause of salvation.

If it humbles the creature and excludes all boasting.

If it provides for the honor of God’s holy law and justice.

If it is a solid and sure ground of strong consolation to the believers.

If it is according to holiness.

When scripture speaks of God being ‘from above’, it is not speaking of direction (what we think is up or down) but of superiority; high and lifted up, as opposed to being lowly. Our God is all around us. “In Him we live and move and have our being.” We are like a bottle in smoke. David said: “If I make my bed in hell Thou art there.” How shall every eye see Him from all parts of the earth? How? All eyes will be opened to see Him as He is . . . omnipresent . . . everywhere. As Elisha’s servant’s eyes were opened to see horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha, all flesh shall someday see the Lord, as He is, all around us.

For every pain that we must bear

For every sorrow, every care

There is a reason!

For every falsehood that is said,

For every teardrop that is shed

There is a reason!

For every grief, for every trial

For every weary lonely mile

There is a reason!

For we will trust God as we should

All this will work for our good

Because God is the reason!

-- unknown

He who in his soul believes that man does of his own free-will turn to God, cannot have been taught of God, for that is one of the first principles taught us when God begins with us, that we have neither will nor power, but that HE gives both; that HE is the “Alpha and Omega” in the salvation of men. -- C. H. Spurgeon

“Tale bearing emits a threefold poison; for it injures the teller, the hearer,

and the person concerning whom the tale is told” – Spurgeon

The Golden Rule:

“As you would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.” – Luke 6:31

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