Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 2018
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

April 15th . 2018

9:30 am ------------------------------------------------------Much More Then – Romans 5:6-11

10:00 am -----------------------------------------------------------------Lost and Found – Luke 15

Tuesday: 7:00 pm --------------------------------------------------Brother Clay Curtis Preaching

The Lord willing, brother Clay Curtis will be here to preach to us on Tuesday Night @ 7:00pm. He is passing through and must return on Wednesday, so we are moving our service. Also, the Lord willing, I will be preaching next weekend in Ashland, Kentucky, for Hurricane Road Grace Church, Frank Tate, pastor. In my absence brother Cody Henson from Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church will be preaching for you.

Set aside Saturday, April 29th, for our spring clean-up workday.

Birthdays: April 17th – Betty Groover & Emma Holland, 22nd – Rick Kess, 30th – Red Huff

Cleaning: This Week: Bobbitts & Berrys, Next Week: Teresa, Bonnie, Aimee / / / Nursery Today: Karen

Listen to WYTI Radio, 1570 AM - 104.5 FM, Sundays 8:00 am

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch Website: www.centralgracechurch.com

Brethren Listen!

“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned” . . . “He that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the WRATH OF GOD abideth on him.” (Mark 16:15-16, John 3:36)

You have wives, husbands, parents, sons and daughters, grandchildren . . . that do not know the Lord; that do not believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. They are going to perish if they do not hear and believe the Truth. Do you talk to them? Are you able to bring them to hear the Word? Are they under your roof and under your influence? If you care for their souls you must tell them, you must talk to them, you must bring them. It is your purpose in life to bear witness to your Lord. Nothing else matters. Nothing! Do not let the god of this world blind your minds with the things of this world so that you do not see it for what it is . . . TEMPORARY . . . PERISHING! Scripture says, “Seeing that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness” (2 Pet.3:11). What do you talk to these lost ones about? How we ought to have our affection set on things above, how we ought to talk of those things, rather than things on earth. O’ what manner of persons we ought to be in all seriousness and earnestness, rather than vain, light, frivolous, and worldly minded persons. Brethren, the time is short. Very soon it will be as though we had no wives, husbands, children or things, and the only thing that will matter is whether we have the Son. For “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life” . . . “shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”

But Something was Wrong!

Rolfe Barnard told about a young preacher who graduated from a Bible institute and began to preach the easy-believism gospel which he had learned in school. His Bible teachers had the dispensations all arranged, prophecy all figured out, methods per­fected to attract the biggest crowds, soul-winning procedures down pat, and “how to build a great church” neatly wrapped in a fool-proof package.

This young preacher made sure to use every gimmick, every tactic, and every invitation in his effort "to win men to Christ” and he was very success­ful! The people heard his easy-believism message and they accepted Jesus as their saviour from hell, as the sup­plier of their financial needs, and as the healer of their bodies. And, for good measure, they were told that they were eter­nally secure in their decision and could never be lost.

BUT SOMETHING WAS WRONG! The young man de­tected no fruit of the Spirit in his great congrega­tion. He saw no love for Christ, the Word, or even for other people. There was no faithfulness in worship, giving, and witnessing unless were motivated by threats, spe­cial programs, pledges, and contests. There was no hunger and thirst for righteousness, no meekness and humility; there was only divisions and strife!

Upon hearing the truth himself, in desperation, he resigned from this religious monstrosity and began all over again. But this time, instead of preaching easy-believism, he preached man's ruin and God's remedy in Christ. He declared salvation to be the gift and work of Christ. He demanded that men repent and receive Christ, not only as Saviour, but as the Sovereign Lord of their entire lives. And he called for unconditional surrender, total submission, and heart faith in Jesus Christ.

This way was difficult, as Christ said it would be. The message was offensive, as Christ said it would be. But the result was the miraculous calling out of bond-slaves and disciples to Christ and the young preacher’s heart re­joiced in the presence and fellowship of his Lord. (As told by Henry Mahan)

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