Central Grace Church
3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia
January 21st , 2018
9:30 am -----------------------------------------------------Ask Them Which Heard Me – John 18:13-24
10:00 am -----------------------------------------------------Righteousness & Repentance – Romans 2:1-4
The Lord willing, I will be preaching in Cottageville, West Virginia next Sunday. Luke Coffey will be here to preach to you.We will have one service that day at 10:00 am.
Birthdays: January 31st – Robin Pendry, February 1st – Jill Ogle & Kelly Pendry
Cleaning: Hudsons, Next Week: Hollands / Nursery Today: Kathryn
Listen to WYTI Radio, 1570 AM - 104.5 FM, Sundays 8:00 am
Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurchWebsite: www.centralgracechurch.com
Today is the Day of Salvation
“For He saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” – 2 Corinthians 6:2
It is one thing to "wait on the Lord” (Ps. 27:14) in matters of providence, trial, and decisions regarding our plans and purposes. But the command to repent and believe on Christ is in the imperative! It is "NOW is the accepted time; TODAY is the day of salvation." Someone may say, "But I want to be sure." You can be sure that you are a guilty sinner; that you have no ability to justify yourself before God; that God sent His Son to save; that He is a sufficient Savior; and that not to believe this gospel is to make God a liar and presume on His patience! Walk in THE LIGHT YOU HAVE; look to Christ now and confess what faith you have, depending on Him to give you more faith. – Henry Mahan
Neither salvation nor sanctification is in any way a cooperative effort. When Peter was sinking beneath the waves, he didn’t say, “Lord, nothing is going to happen today that you and I together can’t handle.” He said, “ Lord, save me! ” -- Chris Cunningham
REDEEMING THE TIME -- “ Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” -- Ephesians 5:16
A New Year Resolution
“Redeeming the time,” could rightly be interpreted, “Buying the opportunity.” This is a metaphor that merchants and traders often use to strive to improve the way they do business. As believers we would be wise to redeem the time that God has given us.
As we enter into a new year together, may God enable us to “redeem the time.” Time is a gift that God has entrusted with us. We should make the best use we can of God’s present season of grace. The reason that God has allowed us another NEW YEAR is that there are more of His elect to be redeemed under the preaching of the Gospel. (1 Corinthians 1:21) May we redeem every opportunity God gives us to spread the glorious news of Christ and Him crucified. Why? “Because the days are evil.”We live in wicked, troubled and dangerous times. Preachers in their pulpits are not telling sinners that God Almighty is plenteous in mercy. Multitudes are going out to meet God without a Savior, a Substitute, and a Sacrifice, because they have not heard that Christ came into the world to save sinners. (1 Timothy 1:15) Lord enable us to “Redeem the time,” so that we, like our Lord Jesus, may always be found to be about our Father’s business in the days to come. – David Eddmenson
Substitution; The Heart of The Gospel
The ‘good news’ of the Gospel is that there is a Substitute who has stood in the place of every repentant sinner and bore the wrath of God in his place. He did this for all whom the Father had given Him from all eternity. It is for them that He prays in John 17. They are ‘His sheep’, the Father gave them to Him, and He died for them (John 10:15, 29).
Substitution is at the very heart of the Gospel. Christ did not simply give His life to make salvation possible for those who contribute their part to what He has done by repenting and trusting Christ. He it is that gives repentance and faith (2 Timothy 2:25; Ephesians 2:8).