Central Grace Church
3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia
December 10th , 2017
9:30 am ----------------------------------------------Justification By Faith – Romans 1:14-19
10:00 am --------------------------------- In The Garden With His Disciples – John 18:1-14
Wednesday: 7:30 pm
Birthdays: 17th – Wendy Bobbitt, 25th – Earlene Sheesley, 29th – Ron Fannin, 30th – Polly Peters, 31st – Kathryn Polk
Cleaning: Fannins Next Week: Sheesleys / Nursery:
Listen to WYTI Radio, 1570 AM - 104.5 FM, Sundays 8:00 am
Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch Website: www.centralgracechurch.com
Alone With God
Old Ambrose once said, "I am never less alone than when I am alone; for then I can enjoy the presence of the Lord most freely, fully, and sweetly, without interruption." A lack of private devotion and meditation will lead to dead, formal duties. A man's public prayer, worship. and preaching is best when he has spent much time in private devotion. It is impossible to speak to men in the name of God if we have not pleaded with God in the cause of men. – Henry Mahan
Happy Homes Don’t Just Happen – They Are Made!
“Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it” -- Eph. 5:24-25
Paul speaks to wives and says, "Submit yourselves to your husbands." This subjection is not only in body but in heart and spirit. Wives should love their husbands, think well of their husbands, speak respectfully of them, as well as respectfully to them, take care of family matters according to the husband's will, imitate him in that which is good, and bear patiently that which is not so agreeable. Paul adds, "As unto the Lord." The Lord has designated authority in the husband and commands obedience to and respect for that authority. To the husbands the apostle simply says, "Love your wives." This is still and always will be the key to any happy relationship! Because Christ loved us, He gave Himself for us. Because we love Christ, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. If a husband loves his wife, he will show affection for her, delight in her, seek her happiness and contentment, speak kindly to her, conceal her faults, and prefer her above his parents, children, and friends! You don't need to go to a marriage counsellor to solve your differences; you need to go to the cross and learn the meaning of LOVE. – H.T.M.
Revive Us Again -- “Wilt not thou revive us again: that we may rejoice in thee?”—Psalm 85:6
When the religious world talks about revival they mean an emotional series of meetings that will win souls and get backslidden church members to rededicate their lives to an impotent Jesus. But the psalmist prays and asks the Lord; “Wilt thou not revive us again”? I believe we desperately need for God to revive us…to stir up our hearts...to awaken us out of our stupor. To keep us from just going through the motions when we meet together…to please not let us be mechanical in our services. O God revive us…save us from our presumptions of . . . we must be alright, after all, we have the right doctrine, we have a preacher and a good building to meet in, we know we are sinners and Christ is the only Savior…so we are all fine. Will you please cause our hearts to burn within us for Love for our Lord Jesus? Will you please teach us to pray from our hearts? Will you please give us a burden for the word of the Lord? Would you please wean us from the world…from self-seeking…from materialism…wanting to be recognized…and from our vain glory? O Lord revive us, give us the Spirit that quickens us when we meet…that will keep our minds from wandering…and worrying about things that in the end don’t matter.
Will you revive us so that our relationship with you and the Son of your love will mean more to us than anything else in this world? Then we will truly “rejoice in thee”. -- Don Bell
A Friend -- A friend is one to whom you never need to explain yourself, one who always puts the best construction possible upon your actions and words, one who is always ready to help. A friend is someone who steps in when everyone else walks out. I pray for grace to be such a friend. – Don Fortner
“God does not justify us because we are worthy, but justifying makes us worthy.” -- Thomas Watson