Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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CENTRAL BULLETIN November 5, 2017
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

November 5th , 2017

9:30 am ------------------------------------------------------------Joy No Man Taketh – John 16:12-32

10:00 am ------------------------------------------------ The Deaf Hear & The Blind See – Mark 7 & 8

Wednesday: 7:30 pm--------------Be Of Good Cheer, Christ Has Overcome The World – John 16:33

November Birthdays 8th -- Dan Ogle & Kevin Berry, 13th – Aimee Poff, 14th – Elizabeth Torrence, 15th – Debra Huff

Cleaning: Dan & Jill, Next Week: Mac & Margaret / Nursery: Elizabeth T.

Listen to WYTI Radio, 1570 AM - 104.5 FM, Sundays 8:00 am

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch Website: www.centralgracechurch.com

Little Commitment, Much Indifference

We see so little true commitment, so much indifference, and so few dedicated people in today’s religious world that we may be prone to accept this attitude as normal. But it is not so! David wrote in Psalm 147:18, “He sendeth out His word and MELTETH THEM.” Paul wrote in Romans 8:6, “To be carnally minded is death; but to be SPIRITUALLY MINDED is life and peace.” If God is pleased to move in love and grace upon a person, the very life of Christ is formed in him and UNBELIEF is driven out by God-given-faith. INDIFFERENCE departs at the revelation of God’s glory in the face of Christ. IGNORANCE vanishes as Christ is revealed in His work of redemption as Just and Justifier. SELF-PRIDE disappears before His grace and mercy. SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS has not the slightest claim in the light of His perfect obedience. SELF-LOVE takes an awful beating in the light of His love for us. No! It would be IMPOSSIBLE for a true child of His great, invincible grace to be indifferent or uncommitted after the melting of His word and the revelation of His love. ­– Henry Mahan

The apostles of Satan are not saloon keepers and drug pushers, but for the most part ordained ministers. Their message may sound very plausible and their aim appears very praiseworthy, yet we read of them as being false apostles of Christ and therefore deceitful workers. No marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (2 Cor. 11:13-15).

-- Scott Richardson

God Bless America

Everywhere you look you see the slogan, ‘God Bless America.’ What people mean by that is, God give us prosperity, make us free from troubles, and protect us from our enemies. Very few in America realize that material prosperity is one of our greatest problems, for the Lord hath said: “how hardly shall they that have riches enter the kingdom of Heaven.” And the troubles that befall this nation are because it is in trouble with God. This nation, which is supposed to be ‘under God’, under His reign, rule and favor; is in fact, under His wrath. The wrath of God is revealed from Heaven every day. Like Egypt of old, though plague after plague comes upon us, no one seems to see the wrath and judgment of God in these things.

If we look around we can clearly see the rise of wars, calamities, droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, pestilence, disease and disasters; yet no one, except God’s true people, see it as the judgment of God upon this idolatrous nation and world. The religious, so-called Christian world is quick to say God has nothing to do with any of these things, when in fact God is the One doing ALL OF THESE THINGS . . . in anger, wrath and judgment against an ungodly nation and world. Is God blessing America? . . . or are we under His curse?

It would be the greatest blessing of God upon America if He would bring it to its knees in repentance, crying out for mercy from the hands of the God we have sinned against and the Christ we have rejected. O’ may God bless America in this way.


Before I dismiss you, I would like to press home to each one this question, “Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? Has the gospel become a glorious gospel to you?” I do not know you as I know my own people; but when I look along my galleries, I mourn over those who have been hearing the word ten years and are the same as if they never heard it. I suppose there are some of you in the like case; and my esteemed brother, Mr. Tucker, must cast his eye around the gallery and the area and see many who have grown GOSPEL-HARDENED. It is a horrible thing to think of! The same sun that melts wax, hardens clay; and to some hearts the gospel becomes the savour of death unto death. If nothing comes of this morning’s service but making everyone inquire how it is with his own soul, if it shall only constrain you to go to your solitary chamber and shut the door and ask, “O Lord, let me know this glorious gospel; I have not understood it up till now, for it has not been glorious to me. Do make it so to me this day, that I may be saved!” My heart will be very glad if such shall be the case. -- Charles Spurgeon

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