The Inspiring Word at Blue Ridge Church
Dr. Terry Cheek  |  Marion, North Carolina
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Dr. Terry Cheek
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The Inspiring Word for September 2017
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The Inspiring Word

Pastor Terry Cheek Th.D.

Since our last article was published there have been many things take place internationally, nationally, regionally and even locally. These continue to affect our lives and bring concern into our homes. The crisis and concern brought into our lives are the subjects of our article this month. With a topic, this broad there is no way to cover it in detail with one article. We will begin looking at crisis and concern this month and continue as necessary to provide hope, encouragement and strength from God’s word to your life and home.

Probably the most intense moment at the beginning of August would arguably be America’s standoff with North Korea. Anyone having real knowledge of world events knows that even though North Korea is very small and very poor they are also controlled by a very unstable dictator Kim Jong Un. Our current focus has been turned to N.K. ability to deliver a Nuclear warhead to the U.S. but let’s not forget they also possess Chemical and the ability to deliver biological weapons as well.

America’s leadership found themselves in a very delicate situation. Making the wrong move at the wrong time would have escalated a dangerous threat into a situation being lived out for America and North Korea. While we don’t agree with Kim Jong Un we do not want to bring the misery of Nuclear war to any human. However, our leaders were not going to allow that threat to be carried out against our people either. To say we were in a tense situation would be an understatement.

As I reflect on this event and the tension it brought to our lives I am reminded of a passage from God’s word. Luke 21:25-28 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; (26) Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. (27) And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. (28) And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”

As the Lord taught His disciples about things that would take place shortly in Jerusalem He also spoke to them on a broader level. Part of that teaching was given in the previous paragraph. While the events may not be in numerical order they are given as a general warning and indication of Christs return. Distress of nations is obvious today. The distress of nations like N.K. is obvious and large scale but looking beyond North Korea, we find distress which is just as dangers but very close to home. Recently in Charlottesville VA. Where we saw an ugly situation escalated to a national level with violence and deception creeping into the hearts and lives of people everywhere. Racism once thought to be largely a part of our history and something we had grown through and put behind us nationally, has suddenly been resurrected. At least the fear of racism has been resurrected. I will not use this article as an opinion piece for Charlottesville, racism, the alt-right or alt-left. I will say this, racism is unjustified anger toward another person because of their color or race. There is no place for it in the heart of a born again Christian. To blame racism on anything other than unconfessed sin is a sin itself. Tearing down history and even rewriting it will not erase it. Pretending sin doesn’t exist doesn’t erase it either. When Jesus said, “looking after those things which are coming on the earth” He spoke about being distracted by events caused by sin and eventually result in greater sin. I fear what we witnessed in Charlottesville was a testimony of this statement. A horrible act of violence perpetuated by Satan to destroy people for his pleasure. Let’s be careful and not get so wrapped up in the drama and the trauma that emotion takes to a greater sin than we have already witnessed. I fear if we are silenced over the tearing down of monuments we will soon find ourselves facing the removal of God’s word because it is considered offensive. The precedent for that argument is being set today. Let’s prayerfully, and with love seek the Holy Spirits direction through God’s word as seek the right remedy for the crisis and concern we face.

Our time has come and gone, until next time may God keep you firmly in His grip!

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