Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

August 6th , 2017

9:30 am --------------------------------------- Seeing The Son Glorified – John 12:12-26

10:00 am---------------------------------------------- His Name Glorified – John 12:27-30

*** No Wednesday Night Service This Week

Birthdays: August 7th – Bonnie Stanley, 13th – John Sheesley Jr., 19th – Henry Mahan, 20th – Madelyn Holland

Cleaning: This Week – Kelly & Robin, Next Week – Ron & Tammy

Nursery: Aimee Poff

Listen to WYTI Radio, 1570 AM - 104.5 FM, Sundays 8:00 am

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurchWebsite: www.centralgracechurch.com

Where is God?

If God were going to be in a certain place at a certain time, would you want to know where? Would you want to be there with your family whatever it took? The Savior has made it known where He dwells. “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matt 18:20). And again, the Lord “walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks” (Rev 2:1). Christ dwells in His planted gardens, in local assemblies of believers (Song 8:13). The Son of God meets with His people every time they are gathered. The presence of the Lord Jesus Christ is made manifest among the saints through the preaching of His word. The gates of heaven are opened at this appointed time, and poor sinners press into God’s kingdom. Now you know where God dwells. Where will you be? – Eric Richards, pastor of San Diego Grace Fellowship

The following article was written by a preacher named Horatius Bonar of Scotland, 1808-1889. Like every true preacher sent by God, he was faithful in his generation to declare the Truth in the face of opposition, which was and is on every hand. Thank God for men such as Bonar.

ON TRUE DOCTRINE rests the worship of the true and living GOD. There is a tendency among many religious people to undervalue true doctrine, to exalt morality at the expense of the character of GOD and the teachings of our Lord, and to deny the importance of a sound creed. I do not doubt that sound creed has often covered an unsound life. But when I hear it said, “Such and such do not believe the doctrines of sovereign grace and substitution, but they love the Lord and are saved,” I wonder and ask, “What then was the Bible written for?” Is it no infallible expression of the mind of GOD? Is it no standard of Truth? Are we to believe what appeals to us and deny the rest? GOD FORBID! GOD’S Word declares the oneness of Truth and condemns every departure from the Truth as a DIRECT ATTACK ON GOD HIMSELF! Do not tell me that a man’s heart is right with GOD when his head contains a creed of error and denies the PERSON AND WORK OF THE REDEEMER.

Swift To Hear - “Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” - James 1:19

Let every one of us be SWIFT TO HEAR. We need to be swift to hear God’s Word and hear from others. We don’t know everything and we won’t learn anything if we aren’t swift to hear. The ear and the mouth do not work together. When one is open the other is shut. The ear is best left open while the mouth is better left shut. Brother Jack Shanks use to say, ‘Take every opportunity to ‘shut up.’ If we are too busy talking we will miss something worth hearing. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. A good hearer is hard to find. Faith is not big talk, but good hearing (and doing what you hear –James 1:22). We have a lot to learn from God’s Word. If honest, we will admit to our shame, that we know more about useless things than the one thing needful; that we can quote much useless information but can’t quote much of God’s Word. We have much to learn, chiefly from God’s Word, but we can also learn from others, especially from experienced believers

The more a person grows in the grace of humility, the more he will listen and the less he will speak. The more a man or woman becomes like Christ, the more ready they will be to hear others, listening with compassion and interest. True love is interested in the loved one, what they have to say, while self-love is more interested in what self has to say. The more a man grows in grace the more he will hate himself, and deny self. Part of denying self is being tired of hearing your own voice. We deny self by denying that we have any self-importance, knowledge, or wisdom that others need to hear from us. It is a sad commentary on someone when they are quick to give their opinions about everything, and can go on and on about themselves. If truly humble, we will not think ourselves worth talking about nor our opinions worth hearing. If we truly esteem other better than ourselves we would rather hear from them, than they hear from us. So, let every one of us be SWIFT TO HEAR.

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